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On the danger of the state shutdown (Koha)

Lumir Abdixhiku, Executive Director of the Pristina-based research institute Riinvest, argues in an opinion piece that members of the Kosovo Assembly have a little more than 100 days to come up with an institutional solution and form the Assembly. “Otherwise, our country will enter the state of shutdown for the first time. The state shutdown happens when the assembly fails to adopt the funding of the government, public agencies and practically all public services that are related to the budget.

Kosovo with measures against extremism threats (

In press release says that the President of the Republic of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga met today with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Hashim Thaçi and the heads of the security and justice mechanisms to coordinate the actions of national institutions in the preservation of national security of the Republic of Kosovo. At the joint meeting, which was attended by the Director General of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Shpend Maxhuni, the Director of the KIA, Mr. Bashkim Smakaj, Acting Chief Prosecutor of State, Mr. Sylë Hoxha, the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution, Ms.


Nishani: Kosovo, factor of stability in the region (Koha)

President of Albania, Bujar Nishani, said in his address at the UN General Assembly that Kosovo has become an important factor of stability and peace in the region and that Albania fully supports overall development of Kosovo, its stability and territorial integrity in its present borders.

“The independent state of Kosovo, the youngest state in the region, in less than six years has managed through transformative development agenda to gain wide international recognition and successfully integrate in regional and international organisations”, said Nishani.

Vatican has agreed to establish pre-diplomatic relations with Kosovo (Koha)

In order to gain recognition from the Holy See, the Government of Kosovo has accepted suggestion for appointing a diplomat to Vatican that would establish “pre-diplomatic” relations until Vatican definitely recognizes independence of Kosovo. However, the issue has remained suspended after the previous parliamentary commission for foreign affairs found the proposal of the Foreign Affairs Ministry is in conflict to the Constitution of Kosovo and its foreign service.


Sign language, mandatory in Kosovo institutions (Koha)

Government of Kosovo approved today a draft regulation for provision of sign language services. Acting deputy prime minister Hajredin Kuci said that the regulation specifies procedures for providing services of sign language in Kosovo and access to interpretation services. All institutions in Kosovo, both at the local and central level, are obliged to provide sign language services upon as and when required.


Jahjaga seeks US assistance for women victims of rape (Koha)

President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, met the US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, Catherine Russell, with whom she discussed the initiatives for empowerment of women in Kosovo. Jahjaga stressed that Kosovo has taken on a proactive approach to increase participation of women in public life and decision-making, including their representation at the Kosovo Assembly.


EULEX fails to arrest suspect for the murder of KP officer (Koha)

An international prosecutor from the Mitrovica Basic prosecution, assisted by EULEX Police, executed an international arrest warrant issued by Interpol for Radomir Kasalovic in the north of Kosovo. The operation was carried out as part of investigations into a number of cases that include murder, attempted murder, illegal possession of weapons and obstruction of justice. The murder charges are related to the death of the Kosovo Police officer, Enver Zymberi, in July of 2011 and attack on the KP convoy in which the victim was travelling.

UNDP celebrates 15th anniversary of activity in Kosovo (Koha)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will present today annual results on the 15th anniversary of its work in Kosovo. Andrew Russell, UN Kosovo Team coordinator and UNDP permanent representative will host the event that is expected to gather officials from the local and central Kosovo government, donors, international community, civil society, media and other stakeholders. Conclusions and recommendations that will emerge from the meeting will serve as a guideline for adapting programme framework for the coming years.