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115.759 people signed the petition "Justice for raped women" (kohaonline)

The petition for the raped women during the latest conflict in Kosovo, has managed to gather 115.759 signatures.

The Steering Board of this petition made public the results for each Kosovo municipality, during a press conference. This petition was signed at established tends at the most frequented areas, during one week in all Kosovo municipalities, excluding those with Serb majority.

Hooper: Williamson’s report linked to Kosovo’s future (Koha)

In an interview for Voice of America, the former US diplomat and Balkans expert, James Hooper, said that the report of the US prosecutor, Clint Williamson, is linked more to Kosovo’s future than its past. Hooper, currently managing director of the Washington-based Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) said that the report doesn’t damage the KLA image but deals with certain individuals who used their position to gain political power after the war.

Williamson announces filing of indictments against KLA central figures (Koha)

The lead prosecutor of the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF), Clint Williamson, did not rule out the possibility that there were executions in Kosovo for organ harvesting purposes but that during the investigations he led he was unable to find sufficient evidence to file an indictment.

However, he said that war crimes indictments can be expected against KLA central figures. Williamson said there are enough evidence to support charges of other crimes that are considered war crimes be it because they violated laws of warfare or Kosovo domestic laws.

Tahiri: Mitrovica bridge will return to its function (Koha)

The Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, namely its public information office, issued a press release today about the result of talks between delegations from Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels on the issue of barricades in Mitrovica. During the meeting, EU representative Fernando Gentilini confirmed the position of the EU that barricades must be removed, freedom of movement must be secured for all and that Kosovo laws and agreements need to be fully implemented.

Constitutional Court to reach a decision within a week (Koha)

Kosovo’s Constitutional Court has confirmed to have received the request from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) to interpret the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly and election of Isa Mustafa to the post of the Speaker but the judges have not yet met to decide whether to temporarily suspend Assembly’s works as requested by the PDK.

Williamson, face to face with Jahjaga (Express, Koha)

Clint Williamson, the lead prosecutor for the EU Special Investigative Task Force (SITF) investigating the war crime and organised crime allegations in the Council of Europe (CoE) report met this morning with Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga.

According to a press release from the meeting, Jahjaga said that Kosovo institutions are committed to cooperate with SITF in the coming period to strengthen rule of law and meet obligations to the local and international justice.

Palestinian ambassador to Belgrade: Kosovo is part of Serbia (Koha)

Mohamed Nabhan, Palestinian ambassador to Belgrade, told Danas newspaper that Arabs support Serbia and not the independence of Kosovo. “Kosovo failed to get the status of a state thanks to Arab countries and Muslims and not thanks to Israel. Arabs have supported Serbia’s position and we still do,” he said. Nabhan also said that the situation in the Gaza Strip is completely different from Kosovo. “Kosovo has always been part of Serbia, whereas Gaza and the West Bank were never part of Israel. These are occupied territories. Serbia never occupied Kosovo.
