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University students call on PM Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic (Zeri)

The Pristina University students together with their professors and other citizens protested today in front of the Kosovo government calling on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to dismiss his Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. “We are against all Jablanovics here in and Belgrade who violate our national identity,” said Arben Mehmeti, the President of the Student’s Parliament of Pristina University. He added that if there is real justice in Kosovo, Jablanovic should be legally prosecuted for insulting the mothers of missing persons from Gjakova.

A dangerous overture (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Arbana Xharra, considers that the weekend’s protest in Gjakova/Djakovica against the Serbian Minister in the Kosovo government, Aleksandar Jablanovic, can very easily move to in front of the government building in Pristina if the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, continues to tolerate Jablanovic’s behavior. Xharra claims that Jablanovic’s insult to the mothers of the missing persons can serve as an overture to the future actions of the Serbian List.

One member, one vote (Zeri)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Alma Lama, writes in opinion piece that democratization of a society is a lengthy and difficult process which often requires bold steps. This process, she adds, should be led by politics and it should start with internal democratization of political parties and the best way to achieve this is by involvement of all membership in the decision-making process. It is therefore crucial to apply the principle of “one member, one vote” in the process although this may not be to the liking of senior party officials, says Lama.


Petition for raped women – still no reply from UN (Zeri)

The United Nations (UN) has not responded yet to the petition that requests UN to prepare a report on women raped in Kosovo during the conflict in 1999, writes Zeri.  The ‘Justice for raped women’ initiative collected 115.000 signatures in July 2014.  The former Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri, who launched the petition, said that there is still no reply from the Office of UN Secretary General.

Vetevendosje will vote against special court (Zeri)

The Vetevendosje Movement will vote against the formation of the special court that will address war crimes allegations in Kosovo. Rexhep Selimi, a Vetevendosje MP and one of the commanders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), told Zeri about the reasons why 16 Vetevendosje MPs will vote against the court. “We are consistent in our position on this matter.

Vetevendosje rebels, calls for protests (Zeri)

 Representatives of Vetevendosje Movement request a massive support of all political parties, population, trade unions and other organizations in protests against bad governing of Kosovo. Vetevendosje seems to be determined to protest against the government, however, it has not set a date. Dardan Molliqaj, member of Vetevendosje, said that this movement never gave up protests and demonstrations as a form of political action and that they have never considered their participation in the institutions, as a replacement.

European Commission supports the agriculture sector in Kosovo (Zeri)

The municipality of Podujeve/Podujevo received a grant from the European Commission, to establish a Center for the collection, storage and processing of fruits and vegetables. Mayor of Podujeve/Podujevo, Agim Veliu, signed a contract with representatives of the European Commission in Kosovo, for the implementation of this project, in value of 483 thousand euros. Veliu considers this grant as a very important investment for the agriculture sector in Kosovo.