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Women in agricultural business (Zeri)

The Initiative for Agricultural Development of Kosovo (IADK) certified 54 women from rural areas of Vushtri/Vucitrn, Podujeve/Podujevo and Drenas/Glogovac for processing of agricultural products, Zeri newspaper writes.  Director of IADK, Zenel Bunjaku, said that women getting qualified for processing of agricultural products, is the best opportunity of starting the initiative to provide for their families, but also for opening businesses.

USAID helped development of agriculture in Kosovo (Zeri)

The USAID Project "New Business Opportunities" marked today the conclusion of the program in support of the agricultural sector, Zeri newspaper reports. According to Zeri, this program has generated about 6000 new work places, and there were about 23 million Euro export in the region. In February 2011, USAID started new program ‘Opportunities in Agriculture’, designed to increase agricultural production in Kosovo and to generate jobs in this sector.

 “Glory” to the losers (Zeri)

Milaim Shefkiu remarks in an opinion piece that the resolution of the institutional crisis in Kosovo has been hailed as the best news at this year’s end but adds that all those who had a part in the six-month stalemate came out as losers beginning with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) which, in order to become part of the new government, lost the post of prime minister and many ministries. At the same time, the Democratic League of Kosovo although gained the post of prime minister, it is a loser in the moral and electoral aspect because it agreed to enter a coalition with PDK.

Roots of corruption, with the leaders (Zeri)

The paper’s deputy editor-in-chief, Lavdim Hamidi, writes that if corruption in Kosovo were to be fought at its roots, officials that are expected to form the government today would have to fight themselves. Although it seems the new government will not be led by Hashim Thaci, his Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) will continue to have a major role in the government. The police and prosecution would have to be free of influence and launch investigations into alleged corruption involving Thaci and his family members.

Isa Mustafa called Limaj to join the coalition with PDK ( writes that Isa Mustafa, after the agreement to form a coalition with the Democrati Party of Kosovo (PDK), invited Fatmir Limaj [leader of NISMA political party] to join the coalition. However, the website portal writes that Bilall Sherfi, member of NISMA political party, said that Limaj refused such request and that the party has decided to stay in opposition. Source: Rubikon show, KTV.

Thaci doesn’t say who will be Prime Minister of LDK-PDK coalition (Zeri)

Hashim Thaci, leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said today that his party’s chairmanship gave full support to the agreement with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) for the formation of new institutions. Thaci did not want to say who will get the post of the Prime Minister, saying that working groups are working on this. Thaci also said the new institutions will be based on Western standards and reforms will focus on economic development and integration in Euro-Atlantic mechanisms. “We believe the agreement is the best possible solution for the people of Kosovo.

Alarm. The state is going bankrupt! (Zeri)

The paper’s deputy editor-in-chief, Lavdim Hamidi, warns that Kosovo was never as close to going bankrupt as it is today and this is because of enormous expenses and decline of budgetary revenues. Six months ago, recalls Hamidi, Prime Minister Hashim Thaci decided to increase salaries of civil servants by 25 percent and also announced an additional pay raise as of next year. “Not to mention the recent decision for construction of Pristina-Skopje highway which will cost the Kosovo budget move than 600 million euros”, adds Hamidi.


“Patriots” and Serbia’s biscuits (Zeri)

Editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra argues in an opinion piece that economic reports on Kosovo’s trade with Serbia are the best illustration of “the false patriotism of Albanians”. “Serbia has received no less than €3 billion in cash money from Kosovo since the declaration of independence in 2008. A several-day research by Zeri has revealed mind-boggling figures, names of importers, big and small companies, through which Serbia now controls the market in key sectors in Kosovo.


Kurti pursuing Thaci’s way (Zeri)

Enis Veliu stresses in today’s editorial of this paper  that Kosovo population gave votes to Albin Kurti and his party, believing in his vision promoted during the election campaign. “They voted for him trusting in his promises to change the manner of governing which has destroyed Kosovo. They did not vote for Kurti to fulfill the aims of a minor group of people, ignoring the votes of the poor population,” writes Veliu.