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State, hostage of interests (Zeri)

According to Enis Veliu, the writer of this editorial, Hashim Thaci insists to remain in power in order to become untouchable for the Special Court, while from the economical aspect, his dependents would increase their illegal wealth. Veliu considers that Haradinaj’s persistence in principal has a personal motive as well, and not a national one as he is trying to present it in the public opinion. Another mandate in opposition would endanger his party to a serious extent.


Norwegian Ambassador hints at new elections in Kosovo (Zeri)

Jan Braathu, the Norwegian Ambassador to Pristina, said Kosovo could very soon go to new elections and called on authorities to implement necessary measures for a more credible and advanced election system. Braathu made these remarks during a roundtable in Pristina organized by Democracy in Action, a coalition of non-governmental organizations. “A series of concrete measures are required to advance the election system because we might have elections again, in fact much sooner than we expect,” Braathu said.

Headquarters in action (Zeri)

The paper's editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra observes that the increase of tensions between the two political groupings in Kosovo has activated the "special war" with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) on one hand having the right to nominate a candidate for Assembly speaker and on the other, the parties making the majority in the Assembly - Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje - whose right to nominate a candidate was not recognised by the Constitutional Court.

The scapegoat! (Zeri)

Editor Lavdim Hamidi argues in his opinion piece that Arsim Bajrami, candidate of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) for the post of Assembly President, has always been used as a scapegoat by his party. According to Hamidi, if the PDK had the required number of votes to elect the Assembly President, it would not have proposed Bajrami for the post.


Gambling with the state (Zeri)

Lavdim Hamidi criticizes the outgoing Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, regarding the recent  promise to increase teachers’ salaries for additional 25 percent. “This situation when Thaci makes irresponsible decisions for budgetary expenses, has put the leaders of opposition parties in a checkmate position since they cannot object such decision from fear that they might lose votes if extraordinary elections are held.


Gjilan/Gnjilane breaking stereotypes about women (Zeri)

The municipality of Gjilan/Gnjilane is breaking stereotypes about women as it is the first municipality in Kosovo to elect a woman as President of the Municipal Assembly. Valentina Bunjaku-Rexhepi, President of the Gjilan/Gnjilane Municipal Assembly, said on Wednesday that this municipality is serving as a model for promoting the position of women. Bunjaku-Rexhepi talked about her political career in a debate organized by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) where women from different municipalities had the opportunity to share their experiences.


 Peace with the wolf (Zeri)

Milaim Shefkiu, starts his editorial with an old saying “wolf changes its hair but not the habits,” and adds that Belgrade and its politicians have not changed. According to Shefkiu, the recent statement of “Milosevic’s student” Ivica Dacic, that they will not sign any treaty with Kosovo could be interpreted in two ways: the first one proves that even though Dacic signed the agreement of 10 April 2013, which was considered historical, the intention was only for Serbia to gain the status of the EU candidate and to victimize Serbs in the north.


The Corruption Energy Company (Zeri)

Editor Enis Veliu notes that over €1 billion were spent in the Kosovo Power Corporation (KEK) through procurement processes, but despite this the energy system is in a very bad state. "Surprisingly enough, no one has been accused of corruption so far, although there have been rumors. This clearly shows that large groups of interest were involved and benefited large amounts of money. Procurement processes in this public company have always left room for doubts over fraud and corruption, but such cases have never been identified.
