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“The father” of the PDK! (Zeri)

Editor Lavdim Hamidi writes that there are many people who think that after listening to the arguments of political parties in the first hearing session, Enver Hasani, president of the Constitutional Court, will make a decision in favor of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). “The first question that arises in this situation is why are there such opinions of Enver Hasani and other judges of the Constitutional Court? The fact that people preempt the decision of the court says a lot about the degradation of the judicial system in Kosovo.

With hypocrisy against fundamentalism (Zeri)

Editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra argues that for several years now, a group of imams in Kosovo freely preach extremist ideologies and make open calls to young men to fight in Syria. “These imams did not fall from the skies, but rather they found shelter and were even employed by the Islamic Community of Kosovo (BIK)”. Xharra notes that “state institutions failed to react even in cases when these imams made derogatory statements against women, when they insulted national personalities and even beat up imams that opposed religious extremism”.


State heading toward bankruptcy (Zeri)

Editor Enis Veliu argues that the increase of the financial deficit and the public debt are posing a serious threat to Kosovo’s financial stability. “The country is headed toward economic decline and the most recent parameters are alarming despite the fact that state institutions are not considering them as such … The economic situation is expected to suffer especially by the end of the year while the two key institutions that collect funds for the state budget are failing to implement their cashing-in plans.


Diplomats and functional illiterates (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Arbana Xharra, gives a definition of functional illiteracy at the beginning of her column and goes on to add that under the governance of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), functional illiterates found a safe haven by being employed in the diplomatic service. Xharra doesn’t deny the fact that there are skilled people working for Kosovo’s diplomatic service but notes that they make an exception to the rule placed by Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj.


The lonely “King” (Zeri)

Columnist Lavdim Hamidi claims that due to the limited political power at the Assembly, failure to elect the Assembly Speaker and form the government, the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Hashim Thaçi, is very much interested to lead Kosovo towards extraordinary elections in autumn. According to him, Thaci expects President of the Constitutional Court, Enver Hasani to help him reach his aim. If this happens, Hamidi says, then Thaci would definitely consider some other manners of communication with electorate and eventual political partners.

People who left before 1999 also considered refugees? (Zeri)

Mitrovica local media carried a debate organised in Belgrade on the situation of over 200,000 displaced persons from Kosovo to Serbia. The debate included representatives from UNHCR and civil society. The panelists spoke of the difficult conditions in which the persons displaced from Kosovo to Serbia are living in, particularly members of the Roma community.


D-Day (Zeri)

Naser Sertolli claims in his column for the paper that although recent general elections in Kosovo were hailed as being free and fair, they failed to result in a clear winner and therefore risk destroying all the progress reached thus far. In this respect, 17 July is the D-Day, says Sertolli as the constitution of the new Assembly of Kosovo will be the first test of political maturity. There will be a number of challenges in the first Assembly session, considers Sertolli, starting from the seating arrangements of political parties up to the election of the Assembly Speaker.

Failure of the Bloc – victory for Thaci (Zeri)

The paper’s editor-in-chief, Arbana Xharra, says that although the parties that have recently joined a coalition bloc have exchanged in the past quite a few allegations, have now gathered around a joint cause to bring down Hashim Thaci. In this journey, the leaders of these parties made some painful compromises and these include, most notably, the leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, renouncing the post of prime minister and giving it to the leader of Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj.