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Jevtic: Pristina is unaware of the danger of jihad (Vesti)

“NATO data show that more than 600 people from Kosovo went to fight for the Islamic State, whereas according to official date the number is 300. There is no official information on who they are, who recruited them and how they went there. However, it is believed that a network for recruiting already exists, attracting young and poor people with money,” told Dalibor Jevtic, Kosovo Minister for communities and returns and member of the Security Council of Kosovo.

Jevtic: The process of profiling IDPs should start as soon as possible (TV Most)

During meetings with representatives of international institutions in Kosovo, Minister of Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic discussed the implementation of important projects for the return of displaced persons to Kosovo in 2016.  Jevtic met with the head of the UNHCR mission in Kosovo Narasimha Rao. They discussed the creation of a manual for displaced persons. Jevtic stressed the importance of this document, noting that it has to meet high standards and be completed by the end of March this year.

Jevtic and Schlumberger: Concern over Islamic radicalism in Kosovo (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtic conveyed concerns to the Ambassador of the OSCE in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, over the recent incidents in returnee communities in Kosovo, especially those in Gorazdevac, Srbobran, Berkovo and the last one in the village of Donji Petric in Klina/Kline municipality. "If we want to move forward towards a better future and coexistence, we need to prevent incidents because only in this way Kosovo can be a safe place for all, regardless of any affiliation.

Jevtic: Alarming security situation (KIM radio)

Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic considers the current situation to be worrying and states that it can be felt in political life, but also in society as a whole.

"The incidents that took place in areas inhabited by returnees indicate that such a fragile situation can affect those who are most vulnerable," said Jevtic in TV show “Odgovor” and recalled the pogrom of March 2004 that must not be repeated.


A house of returnee in Osojane ransacked (KIM Radio, Kontakt Plus radio)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said today that in Osojane, Istok/Istog municipality, a returnee family house was ransacked.

Jevtic told Kontakt plus radio that the house was ransacked during the Christmas holidays and the family was not in it.

Last month, in the same village, was ransacked house of the local priest.

Jevtic: 704 persons returned (TV Most)

Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic said that in Kosovo in 2015 returned 704 displaced persons, out of which 340 persons of Serbian nationality. He said that in 2016 the Ministry of Communities and Returns will have a budget of EUR 6.4 million and that about 20,000 displaced persons have expressed a desire to return to Kosovo. In an interview with TV "Herc" from Strpce, Jevtic said that in the course of this year were registered 79 incidents including ten attacks on facilities of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Belgrade will not negotiate A/CSM again (Politika)

The media in Pristina are giving contradictory evaluations concerning the position of the Constitutional Court and in regards to the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM). Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic has said that in diplomatic circles in Pristina could be heard opposed speculations. “However, from recently could be also heard that Constitutional Court will decide that one part of the Agreement on A/CSM is in accordance with the Constitution, while the other part is not and requires changes.

Delawie and Jevtic discussed the situation, return and minority rights (KiM radio)

Minister Dalibor Jevtic and US Ambassador to Pristina Greg Delawie yesterday held a meeting.  "The topics of the meeting were political situation, returns and rights of non-majority nations in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the security situation. Minister evaluated security situation as alarming, after the recent incidents that happened in Gorazdevac and Srbobran," reads the statement of the Kosovo Ministry for Returns.