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Trajkovic: EU increasingly put efforts to make state from Kosovo (Radio Kontakt plus)  

Announcement of the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union did not attract any attention in Serbian media, said President of the NGO European Movement of Serbs, Rada Trajkovic. Then Kosovo signed the agreement and all the information about achieving success in Kosovo accession to this and other international institutions were not presented in the Serbian media.

Abbot Janjic: Entry of Kosovo to UNESCO is political settlement (Radio Kontakt Plus) 

The abbot of Visoki Decani monastery has said that countries that support Kosovo's UNESCO membership do so "for the sake of settling political interests, considering the fact Kosovo had to recognize the court for the crimes of the KLA and the Community/ Association of Serb municipalities. In an interview given to daily Politika, Janjic stressed that it was "completely unjust for all Serb shrines and spiritual heritage to become collateral damage."

Kosovo's membership in UNESCO does not mean a better life for Serbs (Radio Kontakt plus)

The former chief negotiator in the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Borislav Stefanovic, and a member of the Committee for European Integration in the Kosovo parliament Vjosa Osmani confronted attitudes today, in regards to the possible admission of Kosovo in UNESCO.

Unidentified persons threw stones at the gate of the church in Orahovac/Rahovec (Kontakt plus)

Yesterday at the gate of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin in Orahovac/Rahovec were thrown stones by unidentified persons. The case was reported to the Kosovo police.

This attack has upset the priest and scared children who, at that time, were playing in the churchyard.

The priest informed immediately the Kosovo police about the incident, and an investigation has been carried out.

Football fans insulted villagers in Laplje Selo (Kontakt plus radio)

Albanian football fans with more than 30 cars have entered the Serbian village Laplje Selo, while carrying flags of Greater Albania, insulted the villagers and shouted "Kill the Serb" and the KLA.

According to the villagers, from cars, passers-by have been dragged, kicked, spat and cursed in Serbian language.

The Kosovo police prevented larger incidents, which intervened at the invitation of the locals and directed column of vehicles towards Pristina.

Kosovo police in Brezovica arrested Serb workers (Kontakt Plus radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said today that the special forces of the Kosovo police arrested all the workers of Serbian nationality employed in the National Park "Sara" in Brezovica, stating that it was a trampling of the Brussels agreement and provocation directed against the whole of Serbia.

Djuric told reporters in Brussels that 15 workers have been arrested, along with the Director of the National park "Sara".

Jablanovic: Stojanovic hasn't been appointed for the coordinator of the Serbian List (Kontakt plus)

President of the Serbian List Aleksandar Jablanovic announced last evening that Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic was not appointed for the coordinator of the Serbian List, nor such request has been sent by anybody to the Serbian list.

Jablanovic in a release stated that the right to give statement on behalf of the Serbian list have the President of the Serbian List, head of parliamentary group, deputies and representatives of the List in the government of Kosovo.

I do not believe that would be allowed that the Serbs' division in Kosovo affects the formation of the ZSO (Kontakt plus)

Minister for Labour, Employment, and Social Issues Aleksandar Vulin said that the Serbs in Kosovo chosen the Serbian List and that they should continue to decide about their list.

"The divisions are not good and this should not be done publicly, if a conflict exists then it should be discussed", said Vulin and added that his desire is that divisions go somewhere else.

Rakic: No Serbs in southern Mitrovica (Kontakt plus, RTK2, Tanjug)

Northern Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic denied the allegations about ethnic cleansing in this part of the city, and underscored that ethnic cleansing has been completed a long time ago in southern Mitrovica, where not a single Serb now lives.

Northern Mitrovica is the only truly multi-ethnic environment in Kosovo, Rakic said to Radio Kontakt Plus and called on Southern Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri to refrain from making flammable statements that can destabilise the situation in the area.