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Blic: ''The Serbian Orthodox Church spring session to end with an appeal for Kosovo and Metohija'' (Kontakt plus radio)

The spring session of the Serbian Orthodox Church will be completed by ''an appeal for Kosovo and Metohija'', writes today's daily Blic, adding that the original text of the appeal was somewhat changed during the session, so that, apart from international actors, now it appeals domestic politicians to never give consent to the alienation of Kosovo.

Gracanica: Impunity kills freedom of expression (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

The World Press Freedom Day has been marked today by about twenty media workers in front of the MISSING art installation, in front of the Culture Center Gracanica, reports KIM radio.

The media workers carried transcripts "Find Killers of Journalists", "Arrest kidnapers of journalists", "Impunity is killing freedom of expression", but also photographs of murdered and abducted media workers in the period from 1998 to 2005.

Families want to attend the excavation of the Djakovica tomb (Kontakt plus radio)

Families of victims of the kidnapped and killed in Kosovo have requested from the state of Serbia and EULEX to provide them to attend the exhumation of the remains in Djakovica, reports Kontakt plus radio.

"When the exhumation of mortal remains has been done in Petrovo Selo, Batajnica, Rudnici was carried out, Albanian families of victims of the NATO aggression were present. We do not see the reason why to the families of Kosmet's victims Serbs, Roma and Gorani would not be allowed to do the same in Djakovica," the statement said.

Dacic: East Kosovo - goals from the time of the Prizren League (Kontakt plus radio, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic emphasizes today that it is not the first time that some Kosovo officials called Presevo and Bujanovac, eastern Kosovo, reminding that these are the goals since the Prizren League to the present day, report Serbian media.

Dacic was asked to comment Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj's statement on eastern Kosovo, and said that he does not know exactly what he said in Albanian but that he has no dilemma about it.

Serb returnee in Klina arrested (Kontakt plus radio)

Milorad Zajic (1949) was arrested yesterday at the police station in Klina, when he came at the invitation of the Kosovo police to take over households items stolen from him,  reported Kontakt plus radio, quoting Radio Gorazdevac.

Zajic is a returnee since 2008, according to Radio Gorazdevac and he is currently in custody in Pristina.

Rako Kostic, a clerk in the municipality of Klina, has confirmed that the returnee was arrested.

Works continue near the main bridge in Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

Works continue near the main Ibar Bridge in the northern part of Mitrovica, reports Kontakt plus radio.

The old asphalt in the Kolasinska street, near the Ibar Bridge, is removed with the help of heavy construction machines, at the spot planned for the construction of a  roundabout, reports the radio.

The Ibar Bridge is still open only for pedestrians.

Simic: The integration of Serbian judges contributed the quality of judicial system (Kontakt plus radio)

MP of the Serbian List, Igor Simic says that the Kosovo Judicial system has increased its quality with the integration of Serbian judges, reports Kontakt plus radio.

According to the statement of Serbian List, during the Tuesday’s session of the Assembly Committee on Judicial, Legislative and Constitutional Framework Matters in Pristina, the report was submitted by the President of the Judicial Council, Nexhat Idrizi.

Four persons from Kosovo detained by the police in Central Serbia on suspicion of committing a robbery (Kontakt plus radio)

Four Albanians from Podujevo were detained for 30 days on suspicion of committing a robbery in the territory of the municipality of Kursumlija, the Police in Prokuplje announced, reports Serbian media in Kosovo.