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Vucic and Scott on continuation of dialogue with Kosovo (Danas)

Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic received today USA Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott and spoke with him about bilateral relations and regional topics, Danas daily reported.

The two officials highlighted the need to continue Belgrade-Pristina dialogue in Brussels and to implement agreements reached earlier, including the agreement on the judiciary and the creation of the Association of Serb Municipalities.

The USA Ambassador also said that the USA welcomes an initiative of the President Vucic for internal dialogue on Kosovo.


Vucic announces "bold proposal to citizens" on Kosovo (Beta, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic on Friday announced that the government will discuss "creating technical conditions for the internal dialogue on Kosovo" at its next session.

The Serbian president said that he "spoke with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and that the government would provide full logistics for the dialogue, and form working groups," Beta reported.

“Government of Serbia should not take anyone’s side” (Danas, RTK 2)

Civic Initiative Central Kosovo called upon the representatives of the Serbian Government to “stop taking anyone’s side” in order to provide citizens in the forthcoming Kosovo elections to “make their own assessments” respectively “to punish or reward results achieved on the ground,” Serbian media reported.

The CI Central Kosovo further said the results on the ground are catastrophic – social injustice, double and triple salaries, irresponsibility, lack of work and conformism,” RTK 2 reported.

Serb List to be "united" for local elections in Kosovo (BETA, B92)

President of the Srpska Lista, Goran Rakic announced on Friday that this political group will be united in the October 22, local elections in Kosovo.

This, Rakic said, was the only request of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic during his meeting with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo in Belgrade earlier in the day, attended also by Director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric.

Rakic said that Vucic gave his "unreserved" support to the Srpska Lista candidates for mayors and councilors.

"Double standards triple our suffering" - Serbian President (TV Prva, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic says that the suffering of Serbia has been tripled because of the double standards employed by "those whose part our country wants to become."

The Serbian president spoke late on Tuesday after his meeting with high-ranking representatives of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece in Varna, Bulgaria, and added that these three countries are "very important" and that they discussed "the injustice that has been inflicted on Serbia."

Nothing from Kosovo membership in UN (BETA, KIM Radio)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stated today “there is nothing from Kosovo membership in the United Nations,” Serbian media reported.

“I am almost certain there is nothing from their membership in the UN, unless we make some sort of agreement, and that can’t happen if someone thinks Serbia should lose everything and Albanians should get everything,” Vucic stated.

He also added that Pristina representatives obtained temporary passes to enter the UN building during the UN General Assembly session.

Guterres commended opening of internal dialogue on Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

United Nations Secretary General (UN SG) António Guterres, said on Friday during the meeting with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, that he follows the progress of Serbia and commended the initiative to open an internal dialogue on Kosovo, Serbian media reported.