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State should support religious communities (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that Kosovars are witnesses of the language of hatred that is being spread in social networks and some media, where certain personalities are being anathematized on behalf of Islamism. The editorial also mentions that some youth are volunteering to participate in war in Syria, adding that these wars are in no way related to Kosovo.


Isolation continues (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that the second report of the European Commission on Kosovo’s progress in fulfillment of the requests deriving from the guidelines for visa liberalization, is not giving any hope for Kosovo to come out from the isolation. The report writes that Kosovo has made progress, however further efforts are required in order for its citizens to gain the right to travel to the EU without visas. The Commission recognizes the efforts of the government of Kosovo however, it appears that they are not sufficient.


Abuse of public funds (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily claims that both local and central institutions disregard the recommendations of the Office of the General Auditor. This year’s report, just as the one of the previous year, indicates hundreds of abuses. The fact that only 113 out of 425 recommendations were completely addressed, 109 only partially and 203 were not addressed at all, speaks clearly about the negligence of Kosovo institutions.


Energy delays (Kosova Sot)

One of the most significant projects of Kosovo, power plant “Kosova e Re,” has been delayed once again. The bidders have requested more time to submit their offers however, due to Kosovo’s current political obscurity, the tender for the new power plant might have the same fate as the one for the Post Telecom of Kosovo, which failed after the blockade at the Assembly.


Walking towards Brussels (Kosova Sot)

The paper observes that the 78 day walking of four Kosovo men, from Gjilan/Gnjilane to Brussels, is just a symbolic effort to sensitize the European Union about the fact that Kosovo remains the only one in the region to need visas to travel to the EU. Compare to the neighboring countries, Kosovo institutions are requested to fulfill double criteria in order to gain visa liberalization for the EU countries. Some of the points of the guidelines for visa liberalization have been treated seriously, while a lot of work remains to be done.


In the hands of minorities (Kosova Sot)

Votes of minorities enabled leader of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, to get elected as the Kosovo Assembly Speaker in a controversial session accompanied by verbal clashes between MPs. As a result, the way the Speaker was elected will be interpreted by the Constitutional Court, an institution which already ended the mandate of two former Kosovo presidents. Without the court reaching its decision, the president cannot propose a candidate for prime minister, thinks the paper.

The need for party reforms (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the splits within the biggest opposition party, the Democratic League of Kosovo, show that political parties need to seriously consider implementing true reforms. “Our political parties can hardly talk about full legitimacy, because old faces are refusing to allow room for younger and more creative members of their parties. Politics has thus become a corporation business, where leaders surround themselves with obedient and servile people and do not think about the party but rather for their own interests.


Clumsy CEC (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that almost a month has passed since the general elections were held, and the results of the elections have not been certified yet. Central Election Commission continues making statements for a regular election process however delay of the results speaks about a clumsy one. This daily considers that politicians are also to be blamed for the delays, since they failed to complete the elections reform in two years.