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Verdict is clear (Kosova Sot)

According to the front-page editorial of this daily, the decision of the Constitutional Court explains clearly that the winning coalition, in this case the Democratic Party of Kosovo and its partners, have the right to create the new government. Everyone, starting from the foreign Embassies to the ordinary citizens who determined the winner with their vote, request respect of the Constitutional Court verdict.

Highway to Skopje starts on 3 July (Kosova Sot)

The contract for the construction of the highway Pristina – Hani I Elezit has been signed and is expected to cost about 600 million euros. This highway will be built from the consortium “Bechtel & Enka.” Ministry of Infrastructure announced that the highway project “Pristina – Hani I Elezit” will be accomplished according to Trans European Motorway Standards (TEM). According to the ministry of infrastructure, this is the best and most favorable contract achieved in the region.


The decision has to be respected (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that despite the announcement of the Constitutional Court yesterday to have reached the decision on President Atifete Jahjaga’s request to interpret the compatibility of two articles of the Constitution, there are indications that opposition coalition will not respect the verdict. This daily notes that disrespect of the decision of the Constitutional Court would have been the first one since its creation and stresses that verdicts of this Court have even brought down two Presidents of Kosovo.

Lack of justice (Kosova Sot)

Mentioning the recent case of shooting in Prizren the paper notes that possession of too many arms in hands of civilian Kosovars is evident “This represents a security threat for the citizens, especially in Kosovo’s case where courts and prosecution are dysfunctional. There are tens of thousands of molded cases in the drawers of the judges which were never brought to trial, therefore ordinary citizens take justice in their own hands and cause casualties from simple property disputes,” writes this daily.

Kosovar pulse (Kosova Sot)

The paper highlights the findings of the most recent survey of the United Nations Development Programme’s Public Pulse which identified corruption, unemployment and economic development as the main concerns of the interviewed citizens. Around 60 percent of the respondents cited unemployment as their main concern, stresses the paper and adds that promises of thousands of new jobs should be not forgotten and the new government should immediately start work on economic development of Kosovo.


 Dialogue at a crossroad (Kosova Sot)

The paper says in its front-page editorial that political calculations of Kosovo parties may very well put the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in a dead-end. The opposition parties have received assurances from Vetevendosje that it will support the forming of their government but it has certain conditions regarding the dialogue with Belgrade. However, the paper writes that in order to secure necessary numbers at the Assembly, Kosovo politicians have no problems in accepting difficult conditions.

All eyes on the Court (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial argues that by addressing the Constitutional Court to clarify her competencies, President Atifete Jahjaga has avoided direct responsibility by choosing the easiest alternative. “Under these circumstances, the President could have been more flexible as far as communication with key politicians is concerned. Just because certain articles of the constitution create ambiguity, the head of the state cannot remain indifferent at a time when the country can be hit by constitutional crisis.


The barricade (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the agreement for normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia foresees the removal of every barricade in order to enable the free movement of people and goods, but the agreement is not being implemented. “Serbia, which has great influence in the north, is obliged to respect the agreement. Kosovo authorities must not back down, but rather insist on securing lawfulness throughout the territory of our country. A barricade can be removed by force in a matter of hours, but barricades in the minds of some Serbs will hardly be ever removed.

Two winning projects for “Digital Pristina” (Kosova Sot)

Joint initiative between Pristina Municipality, Kosovo Innovation Center and UND for Digital Pristina gathered many youth with creative ideas about different mobile applications and web. The challenge for Digital Pristina had two winners, with a financial reward of four thousand euros, support and expertise fir development of application. Winning applications will be placed in the web page of Pristina Municipality, and after two months of incubation period to be developed into full applications.
