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Message from Berlin: Fight corruption and organised crime (Kosova Sot)

In today’s front-page editorial, the paper writes that Kosovo is fortunate to have the support of a country like Germany but at the same time it is unfortunate to be led by politicians that are ruining it more and more by the day. The paper says it is no coincidence that a state visit to Germany by Kosovo officials comes after a seven-year break as this was a time of “silent refusal” by German authorities for the previous two mandates of the Hashim Thaci-led government.


The Assembly of “patriots” (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily writes that Albanians were never asked about  state borders, and that this is why they live in several neighboring countries. When Kosovo is concerned, continues this daily, Albanians have on the other side of the border Albanians, therefore demarcation should not induce vain nationalistic discourse. Even though the deputies of Kosovo Assembly wasted their folkloric-sentimental-patriotic arsenal, this is a done deal ever since the endorsement of Ahtisaari’s package.

Democracy on a brink of collapse (Kosova Sot)

In a front-page editorial the paper comments on a recent Freedom House report on the level of democracy in the world and the fact that Kosovo has been ranked among the semi-consolidated authoritarian regime, according to the paper, is devastating. If this situation persists, warns the paper, Kosovo could easily slip into a totalitarian regime. As in authoritarian systems, the Kosovo model has also produced corrupt and illegally enriched political leadership, writes the paper adding that the Freedom House assessment is, unfortunately, accurate.


Germany to return 280 migrants (Kosova Sot)

Germany on Tuesday will return about 280 migrants to Kosovo, who were part of the last wave of migration. Valon Krasniqi, migration official at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo said that 209 people will return with force, while the rest are being returned voluntarily. Krasniqi also said that since 1 January this year, so far the number of persons returning from other western countries has reached 7500, 64% of them have returned voluntarily.

Before a done deal (Kosova Sot)

In the front-page editorial today the paper says that the members of the UN Security Council yesterday addressed a lot of criticism towards Kosovo institutions for delaying the establishment of the special court. The paper claims the establishment of the court is a done deal and the people of Kosovo should have enough courage to face justice regardless of who the court will indict. It is about time to clean a period of Kosovo’s history which as much as it has created glory and heroism, it has also carried suspicion and confusion, particularly with international community.

The silent MPs! (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes today that most Kosovo Assembly MPs have become silent robots, being active only when some law needs to be voted. The paper further notes that only a few lawmakers are showing courage to say the truth at the Assembly. “The MPs should not remain silent towards the accusations that were done yesterday by the opposition towards the Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuci, and for the involvement of close family members of government officials in the insurance market abuse.

Special court, KAF and the Serbian List (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front page editorial today writes that Kosovo opposition suspects that the ruling coalition is bargaining with the representatives of the Serbian List to enable the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF) after the establishment of the special court. The paper also writes that the government’s lack of transparency makes more serious the allegations of the opposition parties for political conspiracies that might occur in the coming weeks.

An example of protest from FYROM (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front page editorial writes that when corrupt governments want by any means to stay in power, the only way to make them leave is through massive protests. The citizens of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) have understood that, and gathered on Sunday in Skopje to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his associates.

Kosovars in Kumanovo (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga and Prime Minister Isa Mustafa have called on the FYROM authorities to conduct transparent and credible investigations into the Kumanovo clashes, “but first they [Jahjaga and Mustafa] should ask our own security mechanisms what they know about several Kosovars who were involved in the latest events there”.