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The false peace (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the international community’s intervention in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia may have secured several years of peace, the Ohrid Agreement and regional partnership, but in the long-term this country faces great uncertainties mainly due to the poor treatment of Albanians and the majority’s lack of respect for the minority community. “There are similarities with Kosovo, but the position of the Serb community here is very different.

US embassy program for students of Gjilan/Gnjilane (Kosova Sot)

The United States Embassy in Kosovo on Wednesday unveiled the America for Kosovo project, as an opportunity for exchange programs in education and study abroad. The main goal of this project is to advance the education, prevention of drug use, creating traffic safety and the cooperation with the Kosovo Police. The US Deputy Ambassador to Kosovo, Jennifer Bachus, said that during the 15 years in Kosovo, the US Embassy has supported Kosovo through various projects. "For 15 years the US embassy has given its strong support through various projects in many areas.

Traveling to EU without visas in 2016: everyone’s  victory (

Blerim Shala, former deputy leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and current coordinator in the dialogue between Pristina and e Belgrade,  writes that states and societies, just as individuals and families, can reach a situation when they need an event to regain their dignity, and self-confidence, an event which could be later used as a source to move forward, and mobilize political and social power to improve themselves.

USAID supports agriculture with 12 million dollars (Kosova Sot)

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of Kosovo and USAID in Kosovo have had a continuous cooperation in the agriculture sector that has brought concrete results, the paper reports. Minister Memli Krasniqi met on Tuesday with the director of USAID in Kosovo, James Hope. Krasniqi and Hope discussed the new project AGRO expected to be launched these days and the total value of which is 11.8 million dollars. Hope said the USAID support will continue in the future and appreciated the commitment of the ministry to support the farmers of Kosovo.

Between the road and the Assembly (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that just as the entire Kosovo, political opposition is facing deep crisis. They are not in an enviable position, writes this daily, however crisis can strengthen them or in case of passiveness, destroy them. According to Kosova Sot, a few opposition actions have not drawn sufficient attention even though the raised issues and requests were largely supported. “Our people are not seeing any innovations, among those who lead the protests and opposition projections.

The hopeless Republic (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily stresses that according to the most recent study of the Group for Judicial and Political Studies the level of the Kosovo people willing to emigrate remains high, even after the massive emigrations of the last months. This paper further criticizes the current government for “not managing to return hope to the disappointed people and for deepening their grief with the corrupted system.”

Let us save ourselves from corrupt politicians (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes in its editorial today that the EU’s report on Kosovo about fight against corruption, money laundering, and terrorism confirms serious concerns about the situation in Kosovo. The report, claims the paper, is a slap to Kosovo institutional leaders especially the Ministry of Justice as it identified serious setbacks in the fight against corruption. People are paying the cost of the numerous corruption scandals while the politicians are only further worsening the situation.


Forget about normalization! (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that, two years since the agreement for the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the signs of normalization have yet to be seen. “The authorities of the Republic of Kosovo have no control over the northern part of the country and parallel structures have yet to be dissolved. The government propaganda is trying to create the impression of rapprochement between Kosovo and Serbia but reality is completely different.


The Kosovo spring (Kosova Sot)

The paper’s front-page editorial notes that the peaceful protest by the opposition in Pristina on Saturday showed the democratic culture of the people who expressed their deep dissatisfaction with bad governance. “In fact, this [the protest] was only the start of a season of expected social unrest which was manifested even on the first day of the ‘marriage’ between Thaci and Mustafa, with strikes in every sector.

Where have you been during the last 15 years? (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial  of this daily criticizes the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), respectively its leaders, Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, for lacking to initiate earlier a judicial procedure against Serbia for damages and crimes in Kosovo.  “Why didn’t you bother earlier to address the consequences of violence, massacres, burnings and destructions that Belgrade regime caused to Albanians?