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Volleyball teams banned to enter Kosovo, Djuric, Srpska Lista react (RTS, Tanjug, KoSSev)

Two volleyball teams “Bukovica” from Ivanjica and “Ribnica” from Kraljevo were banned to enter Kosovo on Sunday, at Brnjak crossing point, Serbian media reported.

The teams were supposed to play matches within Regional League West in Zubin Potok. Their hosts were teams from Gracanica and Lipljan. This is yet another in a series of bans to the sport teams from central Serbia to enter Kosovo, KoSSev portal recalled.

RTS: Crisis Staff meeting of the four municipalities in the North at 10 am

In a live broadcast, Radio Television Serbia reports on the announcements of blockades in the town of Rudare in the municipality of Zvecan, closure of the administrative crossing of Jarinje in the municipality of Leposavic, and that the leadership of the municipality of Zubin Potok made a decision on closing all shops from 12 to 13 hours, and to block the Brnjak crossing, as well as the main road in the village of Zupce.

Tasic’s detention extended (KIM radio)

Based on the Basic Court from Prizren judge Rajme Elezi’s decision detention to Darko Tasic from Krusa was extended to three more months. Tasic is suspected of committing a war crime against the civilian population, KIM Radio reported.

According to the charges, Tasic is suspected that he along with a larger group of persons in the village of Mala Krusa burned down and looted over one hundred houses and deported Albanian women and children.

Darko Tasic got one month detention (Kontakt plus radio)

Darko Tasic, displaced Serb from Prizren, arrested in Brnjak on Wednsday, was sent to one month detention, following the proposal of the EULEX Special Prosecutor for war crimes, Paul Flynn, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Tasic is suspected of committing the war crime against the civilian population, as he as reserved member of the police with several other individuals, allegedly burned down and looted Albanian houses in the village of Mala Krusa, nearby Orahovac, Kontakt plus radio further reported.

Arrest in Kosovo part of intimidation campaign against Serbs (KIM Radio)

“Judicial bodies and police in Kosovo and Metohija, once again obviously based on political instruction, deprived of freedom D.T. at the administrative point Brnjak, over a warrant issued for him for alleged war crimes,” Serbian Government Office for Kosovo said, KIM Radio reported.

The Office’s press statement further said that T.D, after Bogdan Mitrovic and Milanka Tercic, became “the latest victim of the system,” whose main task is to conduct an intimidation campaign against Serbs and create an environment of uncertainty.