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Rama for TV Pink: Serbs and Albanians can do for the Balkans what France and Germany did for Europe!

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama points in an exclusive interview to Belgrade based TV Pink that he strongly advocates a new era in Albanian-Serbian relations and believes that Serbs and Albanians can do for the Balkans what France and Germany did for Europe.

Vucic to unveil Kosovo proposal "in early April at latest" (B92, TV Happy)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says he had "a frank conversation" with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

Vucic told a talk show on Happy TV late on Monday that he and Gabriel have different opinions - but that their recent conversation in Belgrade was frank, and that he at one point told the German official, "And what can I tell the Serbs now, Sigmar."

"Draw line between us and Greater Albania in Kosovo" (Tanjug, B92)

Greater Albania is the biggest threat to peace in the Balkans, Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin told Tanjug news agency.

According to Vulin, the idea of all Albanians living in one state and having one president is "proof of Greater Albania" - and it must be stopped.

Commenting on a statement made by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama - that Albania and Kosovo should have "a common foreign and security policy and president" - the Serbian minister reiterated that the expansion of Greater Albania must be stopped in Kosovo and Metohija.

Moscow calls out Albanian PM on "Greater Albania ambitions" (B92, Serbian media)

Recent statements by Albanian Prime Minister Albania Edi Rama are "fully in accord with the widespread Greater Albania ambitions."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said this in a comment by the Information and Press Department "regarding statements by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the Macedonian parliament passing the Law on the Use of Languages."