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Haliti: Kosovo does not discuss special court with Holland (Indeksonline)

Deputy Speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Xhavit Haliti, stated that Kosovo institutions will not discuss creation of the special court for war crimes in Kosovo with the authorities of Holland. He said to the journalists that Kosovo authorities will discuss the court with Brussels, even though the headquarters of the court is expected to be in Holland. “Brussels will discuss with Holland, not the Assembly of Kosovo. I believe that this is how it should be,” said Haliti.

Kurti: We need a socialist government (Indeksonline)

Albin Kurti, the former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, said during a debate organized by the Pristina-based non-governmental organization FOL [Speak Up], that Kosovo needs a leftist party, “because right-wing parties have been governing Kosovo for 15 years now and the people are forced to flee the country”. “The time has come for a social democratic government,” Kurti added.

Theo Francken: Belgium will not grant asylum to people from Ksoovo (Indeksonline)

The Belgium State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Theo Francken, is staying in Kosovo on a three-day campaign-visit to prevent irregular immigration. Francken, met with Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, and reiterated that there will be no asylum granted to the people of Kosovo. "We have many refugees from various countries. We have many people from Kosovo and Albania, and other countries of the Balkans, to whom we will not grant asylum. There is no such thing as economic refugee,” said Francken.

Thaci reaffirms: Kosovo will sue Serbia for genocide (Indeksonline, RTK)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci reiterated that Kosovo will sue Serbia for genocide. Thaci made the comments in a press conference after meeting Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati in Pristina. Bushati on his part said that Kosovo’s integrity is guaranteed by its Constitution and that Kosovo has already been recognised by many countries. Bushati also met Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and discussed upcoming joint meetings of the two governments expected to take place on 23 March in Tirana.

Civil society organizations demand Minister Murati’s dismissal (Indeksonline)

Following the statement of the Kosovo Minister of Diaspora, Valon Murati, that “the privileged situation of non-Albanian communities, in particular that of the Serb community, is one of the main reasons behind the migration of Kosovo Albanians,” civil society organizations of the Serb and other non-Albanian communities have called on the Kosovo government to apologize for Murati’s statement and immediately dismiss him.

The U.S. send hundreds of prosecutors to Balkans (Indeksonline)

The United States are sending hundreds of prosecutors to Balkans, Middle East and Northern Africa to investigate the jihadists who are returning from Syria, and who joined the fights in Syria.

“The prosecutors and law implementation advisers are being sent at the respective regions suspected to have such groups,” the U.S. lawyer Eric Holder is quoted as saying.

He added that this personnel will offer critical support to the allies, in order to prosecute individuals who joined terrorist acts.

Kumnova: Relieved by Jablanovic’s dismissal (Indeksonline)

The head of the “Cries of Mothers” Association, Nysrete Kumnova,  said on Wednesday that the Association is relieved by the dismissal of the Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. Kumnova said that Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa could have dismissed him immediately after his insulting statements. “In the end, we achieved what we were aiming for, and we are very sorry for those who got beaten up during the protest of 27 January,” said Kumnova. She called on the Kosovo Police to immediately release those who were arrested in that protest.

Vetevendosje will protest 48 hours in front of government building (Indeksonline)

Citing unidentified sources, the news site reports that the Vetevendosje Movement will hold a peaceful protest in front of the Kosovo government building starting on 4 February. "The Vetevendosje Movement and its opposition are planning to protest at least for 48 hours in front of the government building," the source said.

Thaci: The more stones the opposition hurls, the fewer votes it will have (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaçi, said in an interview for Tirana-based television Top Channel that political battles in a democracy need to be fought inside the institutions and not in the streets. He said no one has justified the controversial statement of the Serbian Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic but added that violence against the state is even more unacceptable.