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Rexhepi: I’m ready to lead Ministry of Interior Affairs again (Indeksonline)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, told the news website that he was ready to lead this ministry for another mandate. He also stated that the coalition between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) would bring positive results and stability.

Hoxhaj: Kosovo will always be independent (indeksonline)

The conference of the foreign ministers and ministers of economy of the Western Balkans countries has just started. They are expected to discuss regional cooperation and good economic governance.

According to Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Conference is continuance of the Berlin Summit led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in August of this year.

No inter ethnic incidents in Mitrovica (Indeksonline)

After the consecutive attacks on the properties of Albanians throughout Serbia, Belgrade officials have now started to slander that the same thing is happening to Serb properties in Kosovo.

However, Kosovo Police claims that there were no incidents in Mitrovica south since 14 October, when the football match between Albania and Serbia in Belgrade was interrupted in a violent manner.

Haradinaj: No new elections (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told reporters today after the meeting of the coalition bloc that Kosovo should not go to new elections. “It is our good fortune that there is a majority in the Assembly and that this institution will be not held hostage. Mr. Thaci is governing the country with 36 votes. The majority has 63 votes and this situation cannot go on forever. I don’t know who would benefit from elections; the Assembly has a majority. We all need to reflect on the fact that Kosovo is being governed with only 36 votes.

Haradinaj: We don’t know what to discuss with PDK (Indeksonline)

Ramush Haradinaj, leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), told reporters after meeting President Atifete Jahjaga today, that the coalition bloc will go to the Assembly session on Thursday with the aim of electing the Assembly Speaker. Haradinaj said a government that has lost the majority in the Assembly should resign. “Cancelling the assembly session or failing to schedule one does not help overcome the current situation. On Thursday we will go to the session with the aim of electing the Assembly Speaker. There will be a debate beforehand.

Cliff: Coalition wanted Vetevendosje to be given a chance, like it was given to Nikolic (Indeksonline)

In an interview for the website news, British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ian Cliff, spoke about the idea of Vetevendosje leading dialogue with Belgrade and stressed that the international community, and particularly the British Government, are not overly concerned with who will actually lead the process.  “Our position is that if there is an agreement that includes Vetevendosje, it should also incorporate commitment for implementation of dialogue agreements and its continuation. If they want to make this dialogue more transparent and reports more to the parliament, that’s fine.

Mustafa: Europeans should help us the same way they helped others (Indeksonline)

Isa Mustafa, leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), writes on his Facebook page today about the fight against corruption and organized crime, the establishment of the special court and the resolution of problems in the northern part of the country. “We are the most undeveloped country in this part of the world, with over 40% unemployment rate, with the lowest GDP and with great poverty. We need to find solutions for our citizens, we need to promote economic development and attract direct foreign investments.

Kosovo with independent international codes “SWIFT” and “IBAN” (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Hashim Thaci, said today that the Republic of Kosovo has received its international codes SWIFT and IBAN. The two codes enable easier and quicker transfer of funds, greater transparency and also provide opportunities to combat money laundering. “This is a joint result by the Central Bank, Kosovo’s commercial banks but also our friends from partner countries that have lobbied for Kosovo to have its own independent banking system,” Thaci writes on his Facebook account.

PDK and AAK officials to meet today? (Indeksonline)

Seeing that the Constitutional Court may suspend the election of Isa Mustafa as Speaker of the Assembly, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) led by Ramush Haradinaj seems to be turning to Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Citing unnamed sources, Indeksonline reports that AAK and PDK officials will meet today in an attempt to find a new formula for the functionalization of the Assembly.

Kosovo towards a technical government, Blerim Shala prime minister? (Indeksonline)

Kosovo needs to change its Constitution by September to enable the establishment of the Special Court. This is expected to lead the international community insisting that a new Kosovo government is formed as quickly as possible and be comprehensive.

A government between the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) with a technical prime minister is seen as a solution that would provide stability, Indeksonline quotes what it says are local and international sources.