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Government says stepped up security not related to recent developments (Telegrafi)

Government of Kosovo said in a statement that the stepped up security around its premises is part of a series of measures initiated several months ago as a result of recommendations of the regional security and are not related to the recent developments in Kosovo. The security measures government has undertaken in recent days happen to coincide with verbal clashes between the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Vetevendosje officials, adds the news website.

GLPS: Association/Community affects Kosovo’s state structure (Telegrafi)

Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) think thank said today in a statement that Pristina-Belgrade agreement on Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities affects issues of structural importance to Kosovo and its multiethnic values.  GLPS recalled that Kosovo was built on the principles of a constitutional democracy and thus reflects a deeply European model of a multiethnic country.

Mustafa to present Kosovo’s progress in Vienna Summit (Telegrafi)

Arban Abrashi, spokesperson for the Kosovo government, said that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, during the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna today will present the progress that is being achieved in Kosovo in several fields  and Kosovo’s further steps in economic development and strengthening of statehood capabilities. Abrashi said that the summit will address important topics for Kosovo related to the economic situation, reforms, youth, education, energy, infrastructure and some other topics.

Vetevendosje activists throw red pain at Mitrovica municipality building (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje activists gathered today in the front of Mitrovica Municipality building to oppose the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and threw red pain at the entrance door. Activists called on the municipal assembly members to initiate a resolution against the establishment of the Association/Community. Kosovo Police reacted by trying to disperse the protesters which, they said, did not announce the protest beforehand as required by law.

Mustafa: Association/Community not ideal but good solution (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said that Kosovo’s constitutional order has been respected in the agreement to establish the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities. He however added that while the Association/Community may not be an ideal solution it is a good one. “We should not be afraid of rights we give to others but of misuse of our rights,” wrote Mustafa on his Facebook account. Mustafa stressed that decisions about the establishment or change of the Association/Community will have to go through the Kosovo’s Constitutional Court.

US State Departments hails Kosovo-Serbia agreements (Koha/Telegrafi)

United States have congratulated the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia for reaching agreements in Brussels on Tuesday. According to a statement of the US State Department, the agreements on energy, telecommunications, Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities, as well as on the freedom of movement will improve the lives of people in both countries.

Petition launched against border demarcation with Montenegro (Telegrafi)

A petition against the border demarcation with Montenegro was launched today throughout Kosovo, media report. The petition is addressed to the Assembly of Kosovo, Government and international institutions. The organizers believe that the territory of Kosovo is being damaged by 12 thousand hectares in this process.  Some of the organizers are: Ali Lajci, former Mayor of Peja/Pec, Sadri Zeka, imam at the mosque in Jablanica, Avdi Shkreli and Shefqet Bala.


Austria supports Kosovo’s bid to join UNESCO and Interpol (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister Petrit Selimi had a meeting today with Austrian Ambassador to Kosovo, Johann Brieger and thanked him for his country’s strong support through increasing investment and lobbying for Kosovo’s recognition in the international arena. Selimi and Brieger discussed the agenda of the upcoming Berlin Process summit that will take place in Vienna on 27 August and the two agreed that strengthening of cooperation between the countries in the region and the EU are key to economic development.

Kuci: We are still negotiating special court’s headquarters (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Justice Minister, Hajredin Kuci, said today that the special court’s headquarters has not been decided yet and that this issue is still being negotiated. Even though Kuci refused to give more details on the special court, the news site writes that it is already known that special court will be sponsored and managed by the European Union.