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Ambassadors threaten with UN if special court is not established (Telegrafi)

Ambassadors of the US, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Italy, and the EU special representative reiterated today in Prizren that if Kosovo authorities fail to establish the special court, this competency will then be transferred to the United Nations. They added that the special court will benefit Kosovo and its future.

Rrahman Rama assumes duty as KSF commander (Telegrafi)

In an official ceremony on Wednesday, Rrahman Rama took over the position of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). Kosovo’s President, Atifete Jahjaga, appreciated the work of the KSF, and encouraged them to work even harder in the future when the KSF would be transformed into Kosovo Armed Force (KAF), and aspires to join NATO. Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said that the government he leads will fulfill all the tasks in order to transform the KSF into KAF, which would serve peace, security and fight against terrorism in the region.

99 Kosovo children still missing from the war (Telegrafi)

There were 222 children missing after the war in Kosovo and now 99 children are still missing 16 years after the war. Latif Mehmeti, chairman of a missing persons association from Podujevo, said on Tuesday that 1,005 children of different age groups were victims of the war. “So far the remains of 42 children have been found in mass graves in Serbia. In the Batajnica mass grave in Serbia there were found mortal remains of women and nine children,” Latifi said.


Mogherini in Pristina on 26 March (Telegrafi)

Isa Mustafa, Prime Minister of Kosovo, informed today during the government meeting that the European Union High Representative, Frederica Mogherini, will be visiting Kosovo on 26 March.

Mustafa also informed that the government will meet on Monday with the Council of Ministers from Albania.

The Prime Minister also informed that the Government will be presenting the package of the draft laws for human rights.

Situation in the north tense, Serbs impede building of Albanian houses (Telegrafi)

Rebuilding of the Albanian houses at Kroi i Vitakut neighborhood in Mitrivica, was impeded today by dozens of Serb people.

Kosova Press has learned that this group of Serb individuals has attacked at around 09:30 an excavator of “Euro Ndertimi” company, which was used to build six Albanian houses at this neighborhood.

Kuci urges Greece to recognize Kosovo (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister of Justice, Hajredin Kuqi, met on Monday with Greece Ambassador to Kosovo, Constantina Athanassiadou. Kuqi and Athanassiadou discussed Greece’s support for Kosovo’s justice system through EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). Kuci stressed that bilateral cooperation in the field of justice must be strengthened even more, because it significantly facilitates cross-border cooperation to combat organized crime. He also urged Greece to recognize Kosovo as soon as possible.

Interior Minister Hyseni and Peci discuss fight against crime and corruption (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, on Monday met with head of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Enver Peci. Hyseni and Peci discussed the cooperation between the two institutions with the aim of providing better services to the people of Kosovo, who face different judicial processes.  This meeting is the continuation of the excellent cooperation between the two institutions, in the field of combating crime and corruption.

Mustafa: We accept no conditions from Serbian List (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said at the Kosovo Assembly session that they have received no demand from the Serbian List ministers to rejoin the government. He said he asked the Serb ministers to discuss the issue but added that they expressed no readiness to do so. “We have not received conditions and we would not accept them,” said Mustafa.

Mustafa: We will discuss issue of missing persons with Serbia (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, said in the Assembly today that in his recent meeting with the European Union High Representative, Federica Mogherini, he raised a number of issues that have to be included in dialogue with Serbia. Mustafa said that talks should include the freedom of movement in the northern part of Kosovo, the implementation of agreements reached in Brussels, the dissolution of illegal and parallel structures in the north, the energy, vehicle insurances, the telephone code, the border demarcation and the issue of missing persons.