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US ambassador: Kosovo to establish special court and move forward towards EU integration (Lajmi)

The United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, called on Kosovo institutions to adopt the constitutional changes that pave the way for the establishment of the special court. "Kosovo must vote on special court as soon as possible. This is very important for leaders’ credibility. Addressing the past is the key to moving forward with Euro-Atlantic integration," Power wrote on her Twitter account.

Government adopts constitutional amendments for Armed Forces (RTK/Lajmi)

The Kosovo government today has sent to the Assembly the constitutional amendments for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said at today’s government meeting that the Armed Forces are not being established on ethnic basis but for all Kosovo people. The two Serb ministers coming from the Serbian List, Branimir Stojanovic and Dalibor Jevtic, voted against the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into the Armed Forces.

Zbogar: EU and Kosovo leadership with joint development plan (Lajmi)

The head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said on Monday that Kosovo government should focus on agriculture, energy and the development of small- and medium businesses, so that Kosovo stands in the way of economic development.  According to him, the EU will continue to support Kosovo, and for this the EU and Ksoovo have a joint plan for development.  "The economic situation in Kosovo is not good. We are dedicated to support the agriculture, we are raising grants and support for agriculture.


If Pristina does not vote on special court, UN SC will address the matter (Lajmi)

The Deputy Ambassador of a Western embassy in Pristina implied today that the upcoming session of the United Nations Security Council could address the establishment of a special court that will deal with war crimes allegations in Kosovo. Pristina is alarmed by this news that came from the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Kosovo Assembly Presidency called a meeting for 11:00 today and it is expected to summon an extraordinary session of the Assembly for today.

Assembly to vote on special court today (Lajmi/Koha)

Citing unidentified sources, Lajmi reports that the Kosovo Assembly will hold an extraordinary session today to vote on the special court that will address war crimes allegations. The Assembly Presidency will meet at 11:00. The heads of parliamentary groups will also attend the meeting. “The Assembly Presidency, which will meet at 11:00, will call a parliamentary session for this afternoon and the establishment of the special court will be in the agenda,” the source, who preferred to remain anonymous, told the news site.

Mustafa: Kosovo does not want destabilization of FYROM (Lajmi)

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today in Pristina that Kosovo is not a destabilizing factor and that it had nothing to do with the latest incidents in Kumanovo, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. He also said that stability in FYROM means stability in the region, including Kosovo. Mustafa made these remarks during the regular meeting of the Kosovo government.

Pristina-Belgrade dialogue to resume tomorrow (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s minister without portfolio and chief negotiator, Edita Tahiri, travelled to Brussels today to resume dialogue with the Serbian side. The two delegations are expected to address the issue of telecommunication, integrated border management, medical products and vehicle insurance. The meetings between the delegations under the EU facilitation will take place from 19 to 21 May.

President Jahjaga refuses Brazil visa (Lajmi)

President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, was officially invited to take part in the Women’s World Summit that begins today in Sao Paolo, Brazil but Jahjaga canceled her participation after refusing conditions set by Brazilian authorities for granting her a visa. Jahjaga said the visa requirements were unacceptable. “President Jahjaga represents the state of Kosovo in any visit abroad, regardless of whether it is a summit, a conference, a multirateral or a bilateral meeting,” said Jahjaga’s advisor, Arber Vllahiu.

Selimi: Recognition of Palestine by Vatican cannot be compared to Kosovo (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Petrit Selimi, said that the recent decision of the Vatican to recognize Palestine cannot be compared to recognition of Kosovo. “The Kosovo diplomacy does not act by comparing our situation in any way to that of Palestine,” said Selimi. Several weeks ago, Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci paid an official visit to Vatican but there has been no movement of the Holy See towards recognition of Kosovo.