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Kosovo Assembly adopts resolution for demolition of wall in Mitrovica North (media)

All news websites report that the Kosovo Assembly adopted today a resolution for demolishing the wall in Mitrovica North. The resolution provides that the wall will be demolished in January next year. “The Kosovo Government must make sure that the competent authorities will undertake all legal actions to treat this [the wall] as a political act and an illegal construction. The Kosovo Government must undertake necessary measures so that the Ibar Bridge is not changed and that it keeps the same elements it had before 1999 and not add the wall and stairs.

Hotel owner: I told Edita Tahiri to leave because there could be problems (Koha/Blic)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri stayed at a hotel in Mitrovica North which was later attacked with a bomb. Sasa Dedovic, the owner of the hotel, told Blic: “She [Tahiri] came with an old car, accompanied by a man, and said she stopped to see the rooms where the Serb employees will be accommodated … I kindly asked her to leave because we could face problems and she quickly left. But before doing so she took pictures and said that the office of the Kosovo Government will be opened there.

Tahiri: EU to talk to Serbia following attempted attack in Mitrovica North (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said the European Union should have a “serious conversation” with Serbia after a hand grenade was found by the police in Mitrovica North near the Kosovo government premises. “The attempted attack took place very close to the Government building we inaugurated today,” Tahiri told Klan Kosova. “This attack shows Serbia is countering agreements with grenades and walls,” she added. “European Union guarantees the agreements and should seriously deal with Serbia because this attack is against the entire process.”

“Wall won’t be demolished, but redesigned in line with Brussels’ requirements” (media)

Most local news websites covered an interview that Mitrovica North Mayor Goran Rakic gave to Belgrade-based Politika daily newspaper, highlighting his quote that the wall in Mitrovica North will not be demolished. Rakic said the base of the wall will be redesigned with stairs that will be connected to a roundabout that is being built in the north. “Everything will be done in accordance with the project that was defined last year and verified this year,” he noted.

KLA War Veterans gather at Ibar Bridge, not allowed to approach the wall (media)

Several news websites report that around 100 veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army have gathered today at the Ibar Bridge to express their opposition to the recent construction of the wall in Mitrovica North. Media are reporting that there is an increased police presence and that the war veterans are not allowed to approach the wall. An agreement has been reached meanwhile for only four representatives of the war veterans to approach the wall.

President Thaci: Construction of the wall in the north is illegal (Zeri)

The news website quotes Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci, as saying today that the recent construction of a wall in Mitrovica North is illegal and that such constructions are in opposition to all the agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels. “The construction in the north is illegal. It goes against all the Brussels agreements. Such matters will not be negotiated with Serbia or the European Union. This wall will receive a response based on the law,” Thaci said.

Police container burnt in Mitrovica North (Kosovapress)

The news website reports that a Kosovo Police container that served as a checkpoint in the Kroi i Vitakut neighborhood in Mitrovica North was burnt on Sunday evening. Citing unnamed sources, Kosovapress reports that there were no human casualties during the incident. Besim Hoti, Kosovo Police Deputy Director for the north, told Kallxo that the police had not used the container for a certain period of time.

The agreement on freedom of movement not sufficiently transparent (KIM radio)

The agreement on freedom of movement is not sufficiently transparent and in the sense is no different from other agreements reached within the framework of the Brussels dialogue. This was the conclusion at the conference "Transparency: Agreement on freedom of movement, doubts and interpretations" that was held at the Center of civic energy in Mitrovica North.

Mustafa on Mitrovica wall: We will not be flexing muscles (RTK)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said today with regards to the recently-constructed wall in Mitrovica North that Kosovo’s achievements cannot be measured in relation to a construction of a wall. In a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj, Mustafa said that the wall will be tackled through legal means and that the government is also in talks with the EU. “We will not be flexing our muscles because the law will do that. The Minister of Dialogue is in contact with the EU to see whether it is in harmony with the agreement,” Mustafa said.