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Car owned by Serb burned in Mitrovica (TV most)

In the northern part of Mitrovica, early this morning, a vehicle with Mitrovica license plates was burned. The fire spread to another car, confirmed the chief of KPS operations for north Željko Bojić to TV Most. "At 4:53 it was reported to the police station in Mitrovica that the fire engulfed a passenger vehicle owned by a Serb in Lole Ribara street. The team went to the scene, as well as members of fire fighting units that localized fire," Bojic said. According to Bojic's words the fire caused major material damage.

Hodzic: A/CSM is a body for the protection of Serbs (RTK2)

Executive Director of the municipal administration in North Mitrovica Adriana Hozić said in a talk show broadcasted on RTK2 that the aim of the formation of the Association / Community of Serbian municipalities (A/CSM) is the creation of a body that will defend the national interests of the Serbian community in Kosovo.

Main trial against juvenile Albanians in Mitrovica completed (RTK2)

The Chamber of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica for minors, presided by the EULEX judge Nuno de Madeira, completed the main trial in the criminal proceedings against six juvenile Albanians, who were accused last year by EULEX prosecutor Pascal Persoons for repeatedly crossing the Ibar/Iber bridge to carry out a number of different offenses, the RTK2 learns.

Commission for verification of diplomas held its first meeting (KoSSev)

Kosovo Government Commission for verification of diplomas from the University of Pristina, with temporary headquarters in Mitrovica, yesterday held its first meeting.

The budget for the Commission was submitted to the Kosovo Government for the adoption and an office was provided for the work of this Commission, it was announced from the Kosovo Ministry of Education.

A protest in support of Ivanovic in Mitrovica (NMagazin)

In support of Oliver Ivanovic, an upcoming protest has been announced in Mitrovica to take place on Friday at eleven o'clock.

The protest will be held in the city centre, and the organizers invite the public to come together and express dissent "against the shameful political verdict against Oliver Ivanovic."

The protest is being organized by Ivanovic's friends, members of his legal team and the residents of Kosovo.

Two men wounded in Mitrovica shooting (Dailies)

Local hospital informed Tanjug that a young Serb man was seriously wounded in a shooting late Sunday in Kosovska Mitrovica. Another 21-year old man sustained minor injuries, the agency said. Health Center Director Milan Ivanovic told Tanjug that the seriously wounded man, S.C., has undergone an operation after being shot in the chest and the abdomen.

Oliver Ivanovic sentenced to nine years in prison (Dailies)

Leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic was sentenced to nine years in prison at the proceeding against him and four other Serbs. The trial was briefly interrupted at about 10.20 a.m. due to technical problems with microphones. As the technical issue failed to be resolved, the trial continued without sound half an hour later.

Enhanced security measures before announcement of verdict (KiM radio)

The verdict of the case against Oliver Ivanovic, Dragoljub Delibasic and three other Serbs, should be announced from 10 a.m. onward at the Municipal Court in Mitrovica North. The presence of the Kosovo Police has been visibly increased today. Both gates leading to the Court building have been closed and are being guarded by Kosovo police who have been deployed in large numbers around the Court.