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Office for KiM: Attacks on Serbs planned (KIM radio)

"The attack from last night, in which was injured one Serb, was not isolated incident but a planned action with the clear intention to disrupt the delicate security balance in Kosovo and Metohija," said the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.

From the Office say that it is essential that the police and other security factors in Kosovo, and international missions, to reinforce activities and take preventive steps to ensure the safety of citizens and prevent violence.


One Serb injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

A Serb was injured last night in the northern part of Mitrovica. He was attacked by five masked men in Bošnjačka mahala.

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić says that the incident occurred around 23:20 and that Kosovo police was looking for an Albanian who was identified and suspected of the attack.

Marić and Tanin: Preservation of stability and prevention of incidents (Kontakt plus radio)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin agreed today that it was important to preserve peace at any price in Kosovo and to prevent any inter-ethnic incidents.

Marić and Tanin, met today at the Bureau of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in North Mitrovica.

Ljubomir Marić with Zahir Tanin tomorrow (Kontakt plus radio, TV Most)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić will meet tomorrow the Head of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Zahir Tanin.

The statement of the Office for KiM says that there will be a press release after the meeting.


Street signs in Albanian removed in the village of Suvi Do/Suhodoll (RTK2)

Street signs in Albanian language in Suvi Do/Suhodoll were removed after protests of Mayor of North Mitrovica due to illegal operation of South Mitrovica municipality in this city, and several meetings with the relevant ministries and international representatives, announced today the cabinet of Mayor Rakić.

Rakić: We will not tolerate unilateral actions of the municipality South Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić said today that setting up the street names in the Albanian language in Suvi Do/Suhidoll was illegal and unacceptable, and he recalled that the municipality of Mitrovica North and South have not signed the memorandum on delimitation.

Rakić also said that the relevant ministries would put pressure on the South Mitrovica municipal authorities in order to stop these activities, which he has strongly condemned.



"Fatherland" movement founded in Mitrovica north (KIM radio)

In Mitrovica North yesterday was registered autonomous regional political movement "Fatherland". This movement consist of former members of the Provincial Committee of the Democratic Party of Serbia with 12 municipal committees and members of political parties, the Democratic Party, Serbian Progressive Party and the Socialist Party of Serbia.

Is there a joint solution for the wall in North Mitrovica? (RTK2)

EEAS Spokesperson Maja Kocijančić told RTK2 that the announced opening of the bridge for the traffic, which was scheduled for January 20, will not take place.

''The EU is continuing the talks with both sides in order to find a mutually acceptable solution for all issues related to the works on the bridge in Mitrovica and in Kralja Petra I  Street and it includes a new date for re-opening, '' said the Spokesperson for EU Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Maja Kocijančić.

Rakić: Demolition of the supporting wall will represent violence (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

The Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić says that it is the right of local government to build on the territory on which they govern, and adds that the announcement of the central authorities in Pristina on demolishment of the supporting wall goes beyond their limits.