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B. Stojanovic: Needed explanations and guarantees (KIM radio)

Branimir Stojanovic at a session of the Municipal Assembly of Strpce/Shtërpce, discussing master-plan of the new ski centre, pointed out that in the period of 180 days must be provided "additional clarifications and guarantees".

According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo, this is a prerequisite for the contract to be binding.

Belgrade and Pristina have the same policy (KIM radio)

Former Mayor of Strpce/ Shtërpce, Zvonko Mihajlovic said that Belgrade and Pristina, when it comes to Kosovo Serbs, currently have the same policy.

Commenting session of the Strpce/Shtërpce municipality, which discussed the master plan for investment in the ski resort Brezovica, head of the Radical Party in this Municipality, said that this reflected the actions of Albanian lobbyists operating in the ranks of the Serbian community.

Djuric: We will protect property on Mt Brezovica (Tanjug)

The Serbian government will do everything in its power to protect the state property in the Mt Brezovica ski resort in Kosovo, says the head of the government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Marko Djuric.

We maintain constant contact with representatives of the international community and potential investors, who have been made aware that Serbia is not in principle against investments, but that the issue of how Serbs will participate in each potential investment and how Serbia's property will be treated must be solved first, Djuric said on Tuesday.

The privatization process of Brezovica close to an end (Politika)

The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, and the local Serbs believe that this will be the hardest blow for them since 1999.

''If they take mountain from us, we're done,'' repeat the Serbs in Brezovica, in the Sirinicka parish, municipality of Strpce, the utmost South of Kosovo. The privatization process of Ski-Centre ''Brezovica'' is coming to an end, the Franco-Andorran consortium ''Company di Alpi'' and their representative Pascal Roux offer 410 million euro of investment in the mountain, which they would get through expropriation.

How to resolve the issue of property of Serbian companies in Kosovo (RTS)

Belgrade expects the issues of Kosovo and other property on 9 February before the negotiators in Brussels. "Trepca" not the topic, Pristina says.

Government of Serbia would gladly see "Trepca" on the negotiating table in Brussels on February 9, when the prime ministers would meet for the first time, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa.

Prime Minister Vucic said that Serbia managed to fight for the correct interpretation of the international community over "Trepca" and that Pristina wants to finish everything on the property issue before opening of the topic in Brussels.

Štrpce/Shtërpce: French consortium to submit a detailed plan (RTK2)

Although the Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci two days ago on his Facebook profile wrote that "one of the most important projects of the Kosovo economy is done", whether the 410 million euros of French consortium really will be invested in Inex ski centre in Brezovica will be known only for three months, According to the municipality of Štrpce/Shtërpce.