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B92: Sputnik writes about "secret recipe for Kosovo army" (Sputnik, KIM radio)

Alongside the negotiations on forming a parliamentary majority in Pristina, preparations are being made to transform the Kosovo Security Force into an army.

Sputnik is reporting it learned unofficially that the formation of the Kosovo army will be an item of the agenda of a future government, and of the Assembly in Pristina.

President Thaci sends letter to NATO SG and member states on Kosovo Army (media)

Most media report that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has sent a letter to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and NATO member states on the eve of the NATO summit, explaining the process of the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF). The summit, among other issues, is also expected to discuss Thaci’s initiative to amend the law on the Kosovo Security Force.

Norway against unilateral formation of Kosovo Army (Koha)

Norway’s Foreign Minister, Borge Brende, has urged Kosovo’s authorities to refrain from transformation of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into an armed force without a constitutional change and an inclusive political process. “Norway will remain a partner in Kosovo’s efforts for reforms and Euro-Atlantic integration. Regional stability and cooperation is a prerequisite for deeper integration. Normalization of the relations with Serbia will have our full support,” Brende said in a statement.

“Serb MPs not informed or consulted about vote on Kosovo Armed Forces” (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Serb MP Nenad Rasic told the news site today that no one has informed or consulted Serb MPs about the voting on the law that will transform the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Armed Forces. “Lately, we haven’t discussed this issue in the Serbian List, but our position remains the same. No one has discussed the matter with Serb representatives in Kosovo’s institutions … We have presented no conditions, and there have been no discussions or informative meetings. Kosovo’s authorities have not discussed the matter with Serb representatives.

Kosovo to form secretly its own army (Blic)

In the middle of the key phase of dialogue with Belgrade and without permission of the Kosovo Serbs, Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa decided to form their own army. 

Blic writes that Thaci and Mustafa prepared secret plan on transforming Kosovo Security Force into an army, by amending current laws. For this they need a simple majority in parliament. This way the Srpska List would be bypassed, because for the formation through amendment of the Constitution of Kosovo necessary would be the votes of Serbs.

U.S. Navy Secretary visits Kosovo (Telegrafi/Indeksonline)

The United States Navy Secretary, Ray Mabus, is visiting Kosovo today as part of a Balkans tour. Mabus told reporters in Pristina that even though Kosovo doesn’t have a sea, the U.S. Marines will contribute through different seminars and trainings in Kosovo. “Our army will be committed to cooperating with the Kosovo Security Force. Our marines are outstanding soldiers,” Mabus said.

The wasted opportunity to create the Kosovo army (Koha)

Political analyst Halil Matoshi argues in an opinion piece that if the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) led by Isa Mustafa had said “yes” to another mandate of reserved seats for minority communities in the Kosovo Assembly last year, the Kosovo Army would be a reality today and its troops would be executing the orders of their superiors.