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Haradinaj Has Been Useful Enemy for Serbia’s Leader (Balkan Insight)

By Milenko Vasovic, editor at Danas daily

Only Aleksandar Vucic could pull off the trick of making political capital out of denouncing Ramush Haradinaj’s ‘crimes’ – before then instructing his clients in Kosovo to make him Prime Minister.

Serbia’s former Prime Minister and current President, Aleksandar Vucic, reminded us of his political skills when he used the recent public focus in Serbia on the former Kosovo Liberation Army commander [and now Kosovo premier] Ramush Haradinaj, to score points, undermine the opposition and finally become President of Serbia.

UN ‘Must Compensate All Kosovo Lead Poison Victims’ (Balkan Insight)

The UN’s failure to compensate victims of lead poisoning at UN-run camps for people displaced by the Kosovo war left families struggling to care for sick relatives, says a Human Rights Watch report.

In a new report published on Thursday, Human Rights Watch calls on the United Nations to pay individual compensation to Kosovo Roma victims affected by lead contamination in the UN-run camps for war-displaced people in Kosovo.

Serbia Must Recognise Kosovo, US Experts Insist (Balkan Insight)

A review of the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue by experts at Columbia University recommends that Brussels and Washington take action to enforce all agreements - and insists Serbia must recognise Kosovo.

A new report published on Tuesday entitled Implementation Review of the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue says that the mediators must take a tougher stance in the ongoing dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and insists that Serbia will eventually have to recognise Kosovo’s independence.

‘Day of the Disappeared’ Commemorated Across Balkans (Balkan Insight)

Events to mark the International Day of the Disappeared in Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia sought to raise awareness that 12,000 people are still missing from the 1990s wars.

Flowers were laid and candles lit across the former Yugoslavia at events to commemorate the International Day of the Disappeared on Wednesday in a bid to highlight the fact that the bodies of 12,000 of the estimated 40,000 missing persons from the 1990s wars have still not been found.

Serbia's Iconic B92 TV Officially Becomes History (Balkan Insight)

The legendary B92 station, which became synonymous with resistance to Slobodan Milosevic's regime during the 1990s, is about to be rebranded as O2 television, closing a page in Serbian history.

Serbia's once iconic B92 TV station will officially pass into history as the name changes to O2 television, media reports have announced.

Dusan Masic, a former Radio B92 journalist and the author of a book about the radio station, “Waves of Serbia”, told BIRN that latest decision on changing the name would make the sale of B92 easier.