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Local Elections Reveal Different Strife in North Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

As local elections in Kosovo draw nearer, the tensions in the Serb-dominated north are very different from the ones that haunted this region in the past.

Kosovo’s once infamous town of Mitrovica – for years known for its deep ethnic divisions and violent incidents between Albanians and Serbs – is a different place today.

New Phase in Kosovo ‘Internal Dialogue’ Puzzles Serbs (Balkan Insight)

While the Serbian authorities claim to have opened a second chapter in the announced ‘internal dialogue’ on Kosovo, the results of the first phase remain unknown.

Serbia announced the formation on Monday of a “working group” for the second phase of the country’s “internal dialogue” on Kosovo, the former province that proclaimed its independence in 2008. However, some experts have called the formation of the new group absurd, saying the result of the first phase remain totally unknown.

Hardline Clerics Savage Kosovo's First Pride Parade (Balkan Insight)

The first ever Pride Parade in Kosovo, due to take place on Tuesday, is drawing fierce opposition and derogatory language from some Muslim clerics and from parties close to them.

Some hard-line Muslim clerics in Kosovo have condemned the announced first Pride Parade in Kosovo, which is set to take place on 10 October in Pristina.

Kosovo Voters Have High Hopes of Capital's New Mayor (Balkan Insight)

With less than a month to go before local elections take place in Kosovo, citizens in the capital, Pristina, say they want to see city services run better.

Less than three weeks before polling day in the local elections in Kosovo on October 22, the race is hotting up in the capital, Pristina, where eight candidates are running for the position of mayor.

Catalonia Won’t Get Much Help From the Balkans (Balkan Insight)

By Marcus Tanner

A number of Balkan states may have been rebellious provinces within recent memory – but don’t expect them to stick up for anyone else’s fight for self-determination.

The EU has been taken widely to task for its silence over the violence in Catalonia. What is just as surprising, some might say, is the even deeper silence of the individual Balkan countries.

Catalan Clashes Expose Usual Splits in Balkans (Balkan Insight)

The heavy-handed attempts of the Spanish police to stop a Catalan referendum on independence on Sunday from taking place exposed predictable divisions in the Balkans.

While some politicians who support regional autonomy in the Balkans have come out in support of the Catalan referendum, most national governments - wary of separatism in their own countries - have lined up behind Spain.

Supporters and opponents of Catalonia's right to hold an independence referendum from Spain have emerged on foreseeable lines in the Balkans.

Montenegro Snubs Kosovo Plea to Review Border Deal (Balkan Insight)

In an attempt to convince neighbouring Montenegro to review the controversial border deal, Kosovo's Foreign Minister has visited Podgorica – but without apparent results, as yet.

Despite the visit to Montenegro of Kosovo's new Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli, on Tuesday, the deadlock between the two countries over their border demarcation agreement – which Kosovo MPs still have not ratified – remains unresolved.

War Crimes Documentation Centre Opens in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

The Humanitarian Law Centre has opened a war crimes documentation centre in Pristina with information from five Kosovo-related trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

The Humanitarian Law Centre Kosovo said it opened the new documentation centre in Pristina so people can become better informed about crimes committed during the 1998-99 war in Kosovo.

ISIS Appeal Remains Challenge For Kosovo, Report Warns (Balkan Insight)

New report by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies warns that Islamic State will remain a challenge for Kosovo until its institutions mount a comprehensive, multifaceted campaign to combat its message and 'narrative'.

A new report, “The Islamic State Narrative in Kosovo Deconstructed One Story at a Time”, by the Kosovar Center for Security Studies, KCSS, says Kosovo has much to do if it is to counter Islamic State's appeal to Kosovo citizens.

Kosovo Clinic ‘Removed Patients’ Kidneys Unnecessarily’ (Balkan Insight)

A forensics expert told the retrial of three men originally convicted of involvement in organ-trafficking from the Medicus clinic in Kosovo that two patients had their kidneys removed for no medical reason.

Forensics expert Carmen Barbu told Pristina Basic Court on Thursday that the kidneys of two patients of the Medicus clinic who are testifying as protected witnesses in the trial were removed for no medical reason.