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"Republic of Kosovo" Table Sparks Anger in Montenegro (Balkan Insight)

The interior ministry said on Tuesday that the Montenegrin prosecution will react, along with the foreign ministry, to a violation of the state border in which Kosovo politicians planted the Albanian flag deep into Montenegrin territory. 

On Monday, the MPs of the Vetevendosje (the Self-Determination Party) set the Albanian flag and a plaque reading "Republic of Kosovo" eight kilometers inside the territory of Montenegro, in an area they claimd was stripped from Kos

Serbs Celebrate Vidovdan and the Battle of Kosovo Amid Tight Security (Balkan Insight)

Serbs from Kosovo and Serbia observed the Vidovdan religious holiday throughout Kosovo on Tuesday.

Simultaneously, Serb pilgrims commemorated the Battle of Kosovo at the Gazimestan monument, some five kilometres from Pristina.

Serbian Crown Prince Alexander was among the attendees conducting celebrations under the watch of numerous police patrols.

Kosovo Justice System Takes Over EULEX’s Powers (Balkan Insight)

The recent agreement between the EU External Action Service, EEAS, and the Kosovo government, has created a new state of play in the judicial system, strengthening the responsibility of Kosovo institutions and reducing the authority of EULEX.


Kosovo Agency to Audit Mustafa's, Thaci's, Assets (Balkan Insight)

The declared assets of Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and President Hashim Thaci are to become the subject of a financial investigation by the Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency.

The anti-corruption body held its annual draw last week and announced that among other high officials, Mustafa and Thaci would have their assets audited.

Kosovo ‘Mystery Terror Group’ Members Challenge Convictions (Balkan Insight)

The lawyers for two Kosovo men who were convicted of being part of an alleged terrorist group called ‘Harausham’ said they will use a BIRN investigation as part of their appeal against the verdict.