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Kosovo opposition stage anti-government protest (Balkan Insight)

Supporters of Kosovo’s three main opposition parties marched through Pristina on Saturday in a largely peaceful protest of the policies of the government of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa.

Several thousand people gathered in Pristina on Saturday at an anti-government protest organised by three main Kosovo opposition parties - Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, AAK, and the Initiative for Kosovo, NISMA.

The Ghost of Greater Albania Won’t go Away (Balkan Insight)

The joint session of the Albanian and Kosovo governments in Tirana has generated a predictable firestorm over the pan-Albanian remarks made by some of the participants. Once again the spectre of Greater Albania is stalking the Balkans, Serbia in particular. Belgrade “won’t sit quietly while Greater Albania is created,” the Serbian Justice Minister growls. The Serbs are not alone in their complaints. Some in Albania criticise their own politicians for, as they see it, summoning up the ghost of Greater Albania for their own murky purposes.

Minister Tahiri is visiting Brussels (Gazeta Express)

Upon the invitation of the European Union, Minister for Dialogue of the government of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri is staying in Brussels where yesterday she had meetings with representatives of the European Union engaged in dialogue in Brussels. The central topic of the discussions was the assessment of achievements to date and determining priorities for the progress of dialogue in Brussels in the following stage.

Joint Albania-Kosovo Power Market Worries Think Tank (Balkan Insight)

A report by Kosovo’s GAP institute says that while the creation of a common energy market between Kosovo and Albania would lower costs, it must not lead to the building of more high-polluting coal power stations in Kosovo.

Kosovo's GAP Institute think tank has said it strongly backs the integration of the electricity systems of the two countries, "but is against the exploitation of lignite for the sake of cooperation”.

Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Stage New University Protest (Balkan Insight)

04 Dec 14

Some 300 Kosovo war veterans tried to storm the Pristina University rector’s office, demanding the restoration of privileges allowing their children to be enrolled without taking examinations.

Petrit Collaku

Protesters made a series of attempts to force their way into the rector’s office on Thursday but were held back by police as they staged their second demonstration for the restoration of their children’s privileges.

Kosovo, Albania ‘Most Corrupt Countries in Region’ (Balkan Insight)

News 03 Dec 14

According to the 2014 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index, Kosovo and Albania continue to be the most corrupt countries in South-East Europe.

Besar Likmeta

According to the index published by the Berlin-based watchdog on Wednesday, Albania and Kosovo are ranked joint 110th out of 174 countries around the world that were assessed in the report.

Rivals Hatch Deal to Govern Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

20 Nov 14

The leader of the LDK has announced that his party will lead the next government in coalition with Hashim Thaci’s PDK.

Nektar Zogjani and Nate Tabak

The last time Kosovo’s two largest political parties got together in government, it did not end well. But, late on Wednesday, President Atifete Jahjaga announced that the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, were getting back together – four years after their governing coalition fell apart in 2010.

Zubin Potok Group Plead Not Guilty (Balkan Insight)

19 Nov 14
Eight persons from Zubin Potok pleaded not guilty on Tuesday before a EULEX judge in Mitrovica of attacking EULEX personnel and property and endangering UN and associated staff.

Petrit Collaku

The first hearing in court of eight Kosovo Serbs, known as Sovrlic et al, started on Tuesday at the Basic Court of Mitrovica.

The eight are accused of attacking EULEX personnel and property and endangering United Nations and associated personnel. All the defendants pleaded not guilty at a session that was closed to the public.

Mogherini Urges Action on Kosovo-Serbia Deals (Balkan Insight)

19 Nov 14

Federica Mogherini, the EU's new foreign policy chief, has called on Kosovo and Serbia to continue implementing deals brokered in Brussels ahead of a resumption of talks.


Following a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on November 18, Mogherini urged governments in Belgrade and Pristina to continue working on normalising their relations ahead of fresh mediated talks.

Regional Truth Commision One Step Closer To Establishment (Balkan Insight)

18 Nov 14
The coalition of groups working to establish a fact-finding commission into the Yugoslav wars, known as RECOM, amended its statute ahead of the hoped-for formation of the commission next year.

Sven Milekic

After holding its seventh assembly in Belgrade, the coalition of NGOs gathered under the umbrella “For RECOM” has amended its statute with a view to forming a future RECOM in 2015.