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Kosovo Veterans Vow to Stop New War Court (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo Liberation Army veterans will protest against the creation of a new EU-backed court that will try ex-fighters suspected of war crimes allegedly committed during and after the 1998-99 conflict.

Veterans’ groups on Tuesday called for people to join them on a march through the streets of Pristina on Wednesday against the creation of the special court, which they say is an insult to the Kosovo Liberation Army’s wartime heroism.

Kosovo Commission to Shed Light on Kumanovo (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo MPs are to form a commission to clarify whether politicians had any previous knowledge about suspected terrorist groups in Macedonia - including information on those involved in the fighting in Kumanovo.

Kosovo's parliament is to ccompile a report on all previous knowledge possessed by relevant security institutions relating to the “suspicious movements” of Kosovo citizens in Macedonia.

Media reports have claimed that some of the young men arrested or killed in Kumanovo on May 9th were already being investigated by the Kosovo police.

New Talks on Macedonia Crisis Open in Brussels (Balkan Insight)

The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, has summoned Macedonian government and opposition leaders to Brussels on Wednesday for detailed talks on ending the country's crisis.

Hahn is due to meet Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and opposition Social Democrat leader Zoran Zaev in Brussels on Wednesday to discuss an agreement on a transitional period that will lead up to snap elections by next April.

EU Returns 7,500 Migrants to Kosovo This Year (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo's Interior Ministry has announced that around 7,500 migrants, most of whom were part of a wave of illegal migration into the EU from Kosovo in early 2015, have been returned from Germany, Austria, Sweden, Belgium and France.

"We have had 7,500 immigrants returned to Kosovo, and most of them have been in these countries since January. We can see a clear spike in the numbers. In these four months, more Kosovars were returned than in all of 2014 when we had a total of 4,600," said Valon Krasniqi, from the the Department for Repatriation at the Interior Ministry.

Kosovo Veterans Protest Over Drenica Group Verdicts (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo war veterans protested over the conviction of two former KLA commanders of the 'Drenica group' on Wednesday by blocking a road.

Hundreds of veterans of the Kosovo war blocked the road from Pristina to Peja for two hours on Thursday to express their anger over Wednesday’s conviction of two former KLA commanders, Sylejman Selimi and Sami Lushtaku, for war crimes in the 1998-99 conflict.

KLA organisations from Skenderaj/Srbica and Gllogovc/Glogovac slated the conviction of the ex-commanders, saying the verdict diminished respect for the independence war.

Kosovo ‘Drenica Group’ Guerrillas Make Final Acquittal Plea (Balkan Insight)

Fifteen former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army’s wartime ‘Drenica Group’ cell told their trial that they defended their land from their enemy but did not commit war crimes.

In their closing statements on Monday at Mitrovica Basic Court, the 15 defendants rejected the charges against them and asked for acquittal, saying they were not guilty of the abuse of civilian prisoners at a KLA detention centre in the village of Likovc/Likovac during the Kosovo conflict.

Serbian PM cool on President's Kosovo 'Platform' (Balkan Insight)

Serbia's Prime Minister has given a cool response to leaks of the President's platform on Kosovo, which has not been revealed in entirety but, according to the daily newspaper Politika, TV B92 and some other media, offers Kosovo only the status of a province within Serbia.

The offer is clearly unacceptable to Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008, as well as to the many Western countries, including the US, which recognised it as an inde

Kosovo ‘Faced Biggest Challenges’ Over Visa Liberalisation (Balkan Insight)

Kosovo faced harsher criteria for the lifting of EU visa requirements than all the other countries in the Western Balkans, a local think tank said.

Kosovo’s path towards visa-free travel in the Schengen zone has been markedly more difficult than that of other Western Balkan countries, said a report published on Monday by the Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS), a Kosovo think-tank.

EULEX Uncovers Suspected Mass Grave in Kosovo (Balkan Insight)

The EU rule-of-law mission, EULEX, on Monday said it had found human remains in a village cemetery in the Skenderaj/Srbica area of Kosovo after a villager provided information.

The department of forensic medicine within the EU law mission EULEX said it had found mortal remains buried in a village cemetery of Llaushe/Lausa in Skenderaj/Srbica municipality.

A resident of the village apparently approached the forensics team last December when they were on a visit to another suspected grave in the area of this village.