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Is Isa Mustafa welcome in the North? (RTK2)

Representatives of local governments in northern Kosovo say that visit of Prime Minister Isa Mustafa still is not officially announced. Whether he will come to the north is uncertain, and the mayors of the four municipalities in the north said that they have not been officially notified. “I really do not know, nor I would take seriously what the media in Pristina writes,” said the mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić.

Jablanović: I do not believe in the dissolving of Civil Protection (RTK2)

Mayor of Leposavic and member of the team for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement Dragan Jablanović said that agreement on the dissolving of civil protection, as claimed by the Government of Kosovo, was not reached in Brussels. "Pristina is requesting it because it has the wrong perception on the Civil Protection. They think it is an armed formation, which is totally absurd," said Jablanović, indicating that people working in the Civil Protection help in natural disasters. 

Pristina deciding on the budget for the North or new elections (Politika)

If the Kosovo institutions do not respect the Brussels Agreement, they will open a new crisis, said Ljubomir Maric.

If the Kosovo institutions in the course of the day do not adopt budgets of four municipalities in northern Kosovo for 2015, there are legal possibilities for Pristina to impose provisional measures.