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Albania pitches itself as bastion against Russian influence (B92, Tanjug)

Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, who is visiting Washington, says that his country has "the most developed democracy in the Western Balkans."

In addition, Bushati says that Albania is "a bastion against Russia's influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia and Croatia."

Albanian FM: Serbia’s provocations do no service to regional cooperation (Telegrafi)

Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati reacted to the recent statements of Serbian officials regarding the Belgrade-Mitrovica train calling them “destabilizing provocations.” In a Facebook post, Bushati said the statements coming from Belgrade do not contribute to the climate of regional cooperation. “The beginning of 2017 was not a good one for South-East Europe. Destabilising provocations and theatrical fantasies of Serbia’s leadership are irritating and far from expectations from an EU candidate country,” Bushati wrote.

Albanian FM speaks of Kosovo’s participation in OSCE (Koha)

Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushari, in his address to the 23rd OSCE Ministerial Council taking place in Hamburg spoke about regional cooperation and Kosovo. “We have made good progress in regional cooperation with Western Balkans countries. There are six countries in this format and we look forward to Kosovo having a seat at this table as a participating state,” said Bushati. He encouraged the upcoming Austrian chairmanship of the OSCE to “explore ways of ensuring that this organisation does not discuss about Kosovo, without Kosovo.”