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Deletion of asterisk then the SAA ratification (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Pristina on Monday changed the Stabilization and Association Agreement it signed with the EU. 

Pristina has signed the SAA agreement as Kosovo* - but the yesterday session of the Assembly, that ratified the agreement, also passed an amendment that replaced the asterisk - which in official documents points to a footnote referring to Kosovo's status - with the term "the Republic of Kosovo."

Slovakia doesn’t change position about Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

The government in Pristina hopes in vain that signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union could change something in positions of the countries that have not recognized Kosovo independence. “Signing the SAA doesn’t change anything in the position of Slovakia towards the independence of Kosovo,” said for Vecernje Novosti spokesperson of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Petar Stano.

Serbia will apply for UNESCO Executive Council (Vecernje Novosti)

In addition to the fight for blocking possible Kosovo membership in UNESCO, Serbia is having diplomatic fight to enter in Executive Council of this organization. New member states of the Executive Council will be discussed at the General Conference, which will be held on 11 November. In the group of Eastern European countries, where Serbia belongs, should be filled four positions. Beside Serbia, Lithuania, Russia and Slovenia submitted proposals for candidacy, which can be advantage since four countries are interested for four positions.

Kosovo with asterisk signed SAA (Vecernje Novosti)

Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Kosovo and the EU was signed in Strasbourg on Tuesday. This first legal document between Pristina and Brussels was not signed with the Member States individually, as it was the practice, but was signed directly with the EU. Together with name Kosovo was asterisk, whichmeans that this agreement in no way prejudges status.

Bura hampers the ZSO (Vecernje Novosti)

Special Advisor to the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini for dialogue Ana-Maria Bura, otherwise staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece, advocates the prolongation of the agreement on the Community of Serbian municipalities, Vecernje Novosti writes.

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic at a working dinner, which was recently organized by Mogherini in Brussels for him and Isa Mustafa, said that Belgrade was "quite disappointed in Bura's engagement" in the dialogue with Pristina.

BRIC countries don’t want Pristina in UNESCO (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbia has activated all diplomatic mechanisms to ensure a minimum of 50 votes of UNESCO member states, to pull down the ramp for Pristina's membership in this organization. If Serbia reaches the "critical mass" of support, there are chances that Pristina does not receive the necessary two-thirds majority for the chair in UNESCO. That would mean that the whole thing is postponed for a minimum two years.

Formed a working group for shedding light on the crimes in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija formed yesterday a working group to gather evidence in the investigation of crimes against Serbian people and other national communities in Kosovo.

The Committee Chairman Milovan Drecun said that the Working Group would intensively collect facts and evidence which may assist in the investigation of crimes against Serbs and other national communities.