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Pajtić: Serbs must stay in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

We wish to support our people in Kosovo to stay and live here, and offer support to those who are ready to stay and preserve themselves. We should overcome daily political clashes, stated the leader of the Democratic Party Bojan Pajtić during his two-day visit to Kosovo.

No matter on political differences, and whether it is about authorities or opposition, we all stand behind our people in Kosovo and Metohija, was Pajtić’s message.

Office for KiM publishes progress report in dialogue with Pristina (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija today published on its web page the progress report in dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina in Serbian and English languages.

The report that covers six month period was presented at yesterday’s press conference by the director of the Office Marko Đurić, who stressed that Serbia has fulfilled its obligations deriving from the Brussels Agreement.

The Serbian list is terminating boycott (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbs from the north of Kosovo should return to the Kosovo institutions since Belgrade received the guarantees at the round of the dialogue in Brussels that the coalition agreement of the Serbian List with Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Isa Mustafa’s Democratic League of Kosovo would be respected, Vecernje Novosti reports.

Pristina unblocks the accounts of municipalities (Vecernje Novosti)

The accounts of the municipalities in Kosovo North, which are blocked by the Kosovo government for the two months, could be finally unblocked. As Vecernje Novosti unofficially learned, the mayors of the four municipalities will meet during the week with Abdullah Hoti, Finance Minister in Kosovo government, and will try to find a solution for this problem.

Written guarantees for Brezovica needed from French (Vecernje Novosti)

The Mayor of Štrpce/Shtërpcë said that investment is necessary and that talks should take place with owners of the private premises next to ski-center.

“Investment in ski center Brezovica is necessary, but we now expect written guarantees from French-Andorran consortium,” said Bratislav Nikolić, Mayor of Štrpce/Shtërpcë to Novosti and added that guarantees have to do with conditions set by local self-government.

We will not fire workers of Ski Centre Brezovica; Pacoli is hiding behind the French consortium (Vecernje Novosti)

Pascal Roux, president of the French consortium MDP Consulting said that their intention is not to deal with the politics, but to make modern ski centre Brezovica. “It is true that we are on the territory with the intensive history. However, our project is multi-ethnic and should contribute to reconciliation.”

He said that together with Ski Centre should be developed agriculture, building and providing services,… “We will create conditions that region become attractive.”

Thaci in Belgrade? (Vecernje Novosti)

Hashim Thaci was invited by NGO Youth education Committee to attend conference “EU integration of the western Balkan: we can do it better together”. As media in Pristina reported Thaci accepted the invitation. But, as soon he would step in Belgrade Hashim Thaci could be arrested because in 1997 he was sentenced on 10 years in prison for terrorism. In 2002 was issued a warrant against him.

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic has said that the warrant for the arrest of Hashim Thaci is valid in Serbia.

The EU slows down Serbia because of the neighboring countries (Vecernje Novosti)

Brussels will slow down the Serbia’s progress on the road to the EU with the new conditions, regardless of Serbia’s tangible progress, so that all Balkan countries could be admitted “as a package”, was confirmed for Novosti from several informal diplomatic sources. Because of this informal strategy Belgrade is faced with the additional conditions and above all with the famous 11 Berlin’s conditions.

11 Berlin conditions are mandatory for EU integration process (Vecernje Novosti)

Beside  full implementation of the Brussels Agreement, Serbia will have to fulfill 11 German conditions, in order to open the first negotiation chapters with the European Union. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic confirmed these speculations, which informal diplomatic sources are claiming for months.

“We are not clear which the conditions for continuation of integration are. In order to open the chapters, in addition to the implementation of the Brussels Agreement appeared 11 German conditions, among which some like removal of the Peace Park are not part of the Agreement.”

Pristina – fake neighbor (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade didn’t recognize Kosovo for a neighbor with a single world, claim Serbian misters who attended a regional meeting in Pristina on 25 March, where a joint declaration was adopted mentioning ‘good neighboring relations’.

In the preamble of the document, supported by the representatives of Serbia, Albanian, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo, which was publish on the European Commission’ s web page, writes: