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Zoran Stankovic: Small chances for a rerun of the census (Vecernje Novosti)

President of the Government Coordination Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, Zoran Stankovic said that the number of inhabitants will be determined in these municipalities by May 1, adding that there are legal obstacles for repeating the census.

Some of the parties from this area have called for a boycott of the last census.

He said to Novosti that the National Council of Albanians have less money than they should, because for the funds is required to have data on population.

Serbian houses will be demolished? (Vecernje Novosti)

The announcements that the temple of the Christ Survivor in Pristina will be demolished appeared again. Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) does not intend to submit request for legalization to the Pristina institutions (the deadline is 11 June) because they already have legal documentation attained before 1999. For the churches which were built after 1999, SPC will submit requests to the competent ministry in Pristina.

We know what is Serbian (Vecernje Novosti)

Interview with Dejan Pavicevic, Belgrade’s Liaison Officer with Pristina

No one from Civil Protection will remain jobless and without an assignment. I don’t expect those people who used to work for their state so far, to stop doing that. They were always here to make everyone feel safer and they will continue with the same jobs in the sector of emergency situations and other institutions in Kosovo.

That’s how Dejan Pavicevic, Liaison Officer with Pristina, explained for ‘Novosti’ what is implied by an agreement on civil protection, reached last week with the Albanian side.

Kosovo Serbs will discontinue blockade (Vecernje Novosti)

Representatives of the Serbian List should terminate the boycott and return to Kosovo institutions, learned unofficially Novosti

According to the paper, the most important step towards this goal will happen when the delegation of Serbs meets with Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa. As expected the final agreement will be formalized early next week. 

Initiative for Community/Association of Serbian municipalities raised to a higher level (KiM radio, TV Most, Vecernje Novosti, Blic)

Gracanica Mayor, Vladeta Kostic said that the recent first joint meeting of municipalities with Serbian majority practically raised the issue of establishing the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) and that the initiative is now raised to a higher political level.

Kostic said that in formal legal terms, the process of creating the ZSO has not started yet, because the legal requirements are not met, nor the statute of the Community was adopted.

Serbia destroyed and never compensated (Vecernje Novosti)

In the twentieth century Serbia was destroyed in three wars, but never fully compensated. The issue of reparations is not fully completed even after the world wars, and even though we were on the side of winners. Serbia did not come out as a winner after the 1999 bombing, but it was not a loser either. Many people see in this fact the argument that the state, 16 years after the war, again initiate the question of payment of damage resulting from the demolition of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

Sale of the Serbian property without Serbs (Vecernje Novosti)

Pristina authorities are trying to use political vacuum, which occurred after Serbian MPs left Kosovo institutions, so they could continue illegal privatization of the property in the Serbian areas. Kosovo Property Agency announced privatization of 9 premises of socially owned enterprise “Luks” till the end of the month.