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Vucic: A report on organ trafficking is of great importance for Serbia (Politika)

Belgrade - Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said in Belgrade that the publication of the report of the Chief Prosecutor Clint Williamson, investigating human organs trafficking, will be of paramount importance to Serbia.

As announced by the Government of Serbia, Prime Minister Vucic said at a meeting with Williamson that the publication of report will confirm objectivity of the EU institutions and international community in the investigation of crimes committed during the war in Kosovo in 1999, and in the former Yugoslavia.

Djuric and Tahiri to discuss Kosovska Mitrovica in Brussels (Tanjug)

BELGRADE, BRUSSELS - Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric will meet with representatives of the interim authorities from Pristina in Brussels Tuesday, and the main topic of the talks will be the situation in the northern KiM city of Kosovska Mitrovica.

Djuric told Belgrade-based TV Pink on Monday that he expected to hear new ideas for the resolution of issues related to the bridge connecting the southern (Albanian) and the northern (Serb) part of the city.

Williamson in Serbia, organ trafficking report follows soon (Tanjug, RTS,Politika)

BELGRADE - Clint Williamson, chief prosecutor and head of the EU special investigation team for human organ trafficking during the clashes in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) in 1999, will visit Belgrade on Tuesday and meet with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

The U.S. prosecutor visited Kosovo on Monday and according to media announcements, he should release his report on potential illegal activities concerning organ trafficking toward the end of the month.

Dacic: EULEX guarantor of Serbs' survival in Kosovo-Metohija (Politika,Blic,Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Ivica Dacic, Serbia's first deputy prime minister and foreign minister, said on Monday in a meeting with Head of EULEX Mission in Kosovo-Metohija Bernd Borchardt that the presence of that and other international actors in Kosovo, such as UNMIK and KFOR, is a guarantor of Serbs' survival in Kosovo-Metohija.

Dacic told Borchardt that Serbia expects EULEX to continue conducting its activities in the same scope of jurisdiction in the next two years, reads a release issued by the ministry of foreign affairs.

Liaison officer says ban was "grave violation of deal" (B92,Tanjug,Politika,Blic)

BELGRADE -- Dejan Pavićević says the fact he was banned from entering Kosovo constitutes "serious obstruction of the implementation of what has been agreed in Brussels."

Belgrade's liaison officer in Priština, who was prevented from entering the province by the Kosovo authorities, "urged the EU and international community to solve the issue as soon as possible."

USAID and the EU to invest in the north of Kosovo (Politika)

Mitrovica - Representatives of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) today will begin the reconstruction of the Parliament building in Leposavic/Leposaviq, which will be equipped and technologically, and a children's playground in the village Sočanica will be built. In these two projects will be invested $ 100,000, said to Politika Dragan Jablanović, Mayor Leposavic/Leposaviq.

The works will, according to him, perform two Serbian companies that USAID chose through the tender - one from Zvečan/Zveqan and the other from Gracanica.