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Technical talks on integrated management set for Thursday (Tanjug, Politika, KiM radio)

BELGRADE - Belgrade and Pristina will discuss integrated border management on Thursday, and head of the Serbian government office for Kosovo Marko Djuric will hold on Friday informal consultations with EU officials about the future of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, that is about the issues that are not significant to Chapter 35 of Serbia's accession talks with the EU.

The talks on Thursday will focus on things from the Brussels agreement that have not been implemented, but can be addressed before Kosovo forms a new government, Djuric told Tanjug.

How long will last the formula "Both the EU and Russia"(Politika)

Serbian formula "Both the EU and Russia", by which Belgrade answered to the Ukrainian crisis, so far, has proved as a very good policy, but, according to analysts, it is unlikely that Serbia will be able to keep this position forever. One of the reasons for this opinion is that these days Brussels announced a new, third round of sanctions against Moscow. This means that the Ukrainian crisis enters a new phase, in which the dispute between Russia on one side and Brussels and Washington on the other will be more severe than so far.

Serbia has not assisted the writing of indictment against Ivanovic (TV Most, Politika)

Belgrade - Director of the Office of the Government of Serbia for Media Relations Milivoje Mihajlovic dismissed the allegations that the Special Prosecutor's Office for War Crimes in Serbia helped in writing the indictment against the leader of the CI SDP Oliver Ivanovic.

Serbia had no part in it, he told TV Most in Zvecan/Zveqan.

"If a crime existed, Oliver Ivanovic would have been previously prosecuted in Serbia," Mihajlovic said, adding that the "key witness", to the crimes he is charged with, the Hague tribunal "dismissed as frivolous".

Oliver Ivanovic not to be released pending trial (Politika, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - The leader of the Citizens' Initiative "Freedom, Democracy, Justice" (GI SDP), indicted for war crimes against ethnic Albanians recently, will have to remain in remand custody until the end of his trial despite the Serbian government guarantees that he will be available to the judicial authorities at all times if released pending trial, Belgrade-based daily Politika reports in its Tuesday issue.

Petrovic re-elected president of SLS in Kosovo (Politika,Kontakt plus,Tanjug)

PRISTINA - The Independent Liberal Party (SLS) re-elected in Pristina on Sunday Slobodan Petrovic as their president.

Petrovic is also the minister of administration and local government and deputy prime minister in Kosovo's provisional government.

The SLS has close to 8,000 members, he said in a report presented at the election meeting, adding he hoped SLS officials would be in Kosovo's next government as well.

Ivanovic: I was arrested so my political action could stop (Politika, Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Oliver Ivanovic, one of the Serb leaders in northern Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), against whom a criminal indictment for crimes against ethnic Albanians has been issued recently, said he had been arrested so that his political action could be prevented.

“My arrest had only one goal: to exclude me from political and public life,” Ivanovic said in an interview he gave to Belgrade-based daily Politika in writing on the day before the indictments against him was issued.

Ivanovic: The goal of my arrest is elimination from politicks (Politika)

Leader of the Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic stated that the real reason behind his arrest is elimination from the political life in Kosovo, whereas it is ‘a paramount insult that EULEX refused guarantees extended by the Serbian government'.

“My arrest may be in connection, but doesn’t have to, with my almost certain election for the mayor of Northern Mitrovica. The main reason might be in EULEX’s need to reduce dissatisfaction amongst Albanians due to extension of its mandate to 2016,” said Ivanovic to daily Politika.


Kosovo is trembling from the Williamson’s report (Politika)

The statement of EULEX Chief Investigator, Clint Williamson, that he possess the indisputable evidence to press charges against several former senior KLA officials for war crimes - has caused a hush in the Kosovo Albanian public.

Excluding public statement that the report "will end doubts about unproved accusations," in Pristina press are prevailing restrained, but worried reactions of political parties, and only some local political analysts have the courage to say that the report is a heavy burden for Kosovo.

Ivanovic: There are lists of arrests of Serbs in Kosovo (Politika,Vesti, TV Most)

President of the Serbian National Council of Northern Kosovo Milan Ivanovic said that senior officials of Serbia and the international community have confirmed to him that there are lists of arrests of Serbs in Kosovo.

"Lists that exist in Kosovo and Metohija for the arrest of Serbs are in the function of the ethnic cleansing Kosovo and Metohija of the remaining Serbs in the north and the creation of a Greater Albania," said Ivanovic to TV Most in Zvecane/Zveqan.