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The opposition in Pristina plays according to Thaci’s instructions (Blic)

The riots in Pristina, because of the agreement on the Community / Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) and dialogue with Belgrade, provide an alibi for the Government of Kosovo to hamper the implementation of the Brussels agreement, said Milovan Drecun, Chairman of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo.


Dacic will attend UNSC session on Kosovo (Blic)

The UN Security Council will discuss tomorrow in New York the new report of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Kosovo. Serbia will be presented at the session by Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, was announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. On this occasion Dacic will present the Serbia’s assessment about the current situation in Kosovo and on UNMIK activities.

Jevtic: The future of Serbs in Kosovo is education (Blic)

Minister for Communities and Returns in Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic visited Kamenica and Novo Brdo, where he met with mayors and visited the school and kindergarten.

In the elementary school "Desanka Maksimovic" in village Ajnovce, the ministry together with the EU Office in Kosovo funded revitalization of the central heating. "Our future and the future of the Serbian people in Kosovo is education, and we must continue to invest in our schools and our children," said Jevtic.

Petritsch: Agreements must be respected (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

The decision of the Kosovo Constitutional Court regarding the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities is not good because it is important that the responsibilities undertaken are respected, says the president of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Wolfgang Petritsch.

The way members of the Serb community feel will also be a benchmark of Kosovo's progress, he told Tanjug.

Djuric: Agreement on ZSO is not something Constitutional Court should deal with (Blic)

Kosovo's Constitutional Court should not declare about any opinion related to the Agreement on the Community / Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO), since the highest political representatives agreed to it, with the mediation of the EU in Brussels. Pristina just needs to implement this agreement, said Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo, Marko Djuric.


Giving up a Brussels-based dialogue is not an option for the Government of Serbia (Blic)

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian delegation intensified diplomatic activities, so that the EU would react to Pristina’s violations of the Brussels agreement. According to sources from the cabinet of Serbian PM, giving up the Brussels dialogue is not an option. Belgrade remains committed to the implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels, but insist that the other side finish commitments from the agreements.

Stojanovic: Burnt returnee houses will be reconstructed (Blic)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic promised to the returnees in the village of Siga near Pec that Kosovo Government will rebuild two recently burnt houses. "We will rebuild the burned houses, by which will be sent a message to the perpetrators and to those who supposed to find the perpetrators, that rebuilding of the houses will be paid from the Kosovo budget," said Stojanovic, who with the Minister for the return Dalibor Jevtic and liaison officer between Belgrade and Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic visited returnees in Siga village.

Drecun: Brussels will have to react in case Pristina refuse to implement agreement on ZSO (Blic)

Chairman of the Serbian Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo Milovan Drecun has said that Brussels will have to react over Pristina’s efforts not to implement signed agreement on the formation of Community / Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO).

“It is up to Brussels, as facilitator and guarantor of what was agreed, to force Pristina to begin to behave in a politically rational way, as otherwise we could have destabilization of the situation that took too much effort to stabilize,” said Drecun.


Tanaskovic: Chances are growing to postpone the vote in UNESCO (Blic)

Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO Darko Tanaskovic says that the chances grow to postpone the vote on Kosovo's entry in UNESCO.

"I have the impression that the proposal to postpone the discussions on Kosovo's admission to UNESCO got wider support in diplomatic circles," said Tanaskovic for Sputnik, after the first day of the UNESCO General Conference.


Djuric: Chapter 35 should not be a substitute for the Brussels dialogue (Blic)

Belgrade has launched a major diplomatic offensive to inform members of the EU about everything that was so far discussed and negotiated with Pristina, and we expect that it will be respected and in the final version of the draft negotiating framework for Chapter 35, says Marko Djuric, the Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija.