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Dacic to Novosti: Nobody can claim we'll have Kosovo deal in 2019 (B92, Beta, Vecernje Novosti)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic say no one can claim that the Kosovo issue will be resolved in 2019.

He also pointed out that the fact that the Brussels dialogue has been stopped for months does not mean that a solution is not being sought.

Haradinaj’s statement shows the Pristina regime’s tendency for Greater Albania (Beta, N1)

The Serbian government Office for Kosovo chief Marko Djuric said that Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and Albania representatives statement after the signing of the agreement on the abolition of border crossings show the true “Greater Albania nature of the Pristina regime.”

"Political rampage, like this, only creates fertile ground for new conflicts and distances the region from the solution," Djuric said and appealed to the international community to stop "Pristina's chauvinistic euphoria" that contributes to the acceleration of tensions.

Official says no mention of southern Serbia territory swap (Danas, Beta, N1 )

A Serbian government official said there has never been any official talk about the annexation to Kosovo of three municipalities in southern Serbia.

Zoran Stankovic, head of the Coordination Body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja said an exchange of territories was only mentioned by some Kosovo Albanian political leaders.

Foreign Minister Dacic: Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina remains unchanged (RTS, Beta, N1)

There are no signs that the format of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina could change any time soon, said Serbia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic on Sunday, adding that Serbia is ready to continue the talks but only after Pristina abolishes its 100 per cent tariffs on Serbian products.

“There are no talks from new starting positions,” Dacic told RTS, the public broadcaster.

"Rosu can go to north without KFOR approval, KFS can't" (B92, Beta)

KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso says special units Rosu can enter the north of Kosovo without the permission of KFOR.

In an interview with the newspaper, Grasso said that "the special operations unit, which can be armed with long rifles" belongs to the Kosovo police and as such has the mandate to enforce the law throughout Kosovo "without the obligation to seek approval."

Mogherini warns alternative to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue dangerous (N1, Beta)

European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini on Tuesday called the authorities in Pristina to revoke the 100 percent tariffs on goods from Serbia and warned that the alternative to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue is dangerous.

Vucic to visit Ground Safety Zone (B92, Beta, RTS)

President of Serbia and Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vucic will visit Serbian Army units in the Ground Safety Zone and elsewhere in southern Serbia, reports Serbian media.

The visit will happen "in the next 72 hours," reports said late on Thursday.

The Ground Safety Zone was established after the 1999 war and runs along the administrative line between Kosovo and central Serbia.

Kosovo Trade Minister: I interrupted CEFTA meeting because of “Kosovo and Metohija” (Beta, N1)

Endrit Shala, Kosovo’s Trade Minister, said late on Thursday he had suspended a Central European Free Trade (CEFTA) meeting because a representative from Serbia addressed Kosovo as Kosovo and Metohija, Belgrade's official name for its former province, despite being warned on several occasions not to do that, the Beta news agency reported.

Shala told Pristina’s T17 television that the 100 percent import tariffs Kosovo had introduced on goods from Serbia and Bosnia would remain in place as long as he was the minister.

Dacic: Number of states recognising Kosovo soon under 100 (N1, Beta, Blic)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic said that the number of countries that had recognised Kosovo’ independence would fall below 100, and then soon under the half of the 193 UN member states, Belgrade based Beta news agency reported.

Dacic told Belgrade based daily Blic that “Pristina authorities are in serious trouble” since their Interpol membership was supported only by 76 countries, two of which were not the UN member states.

Ljajic: EU has chance to tell Pristina to revoke tariff on December 17 (TV Pink, Beta, N1)

Serbia’s Trade Minister said on Wednesday the European Union will have a last chance to explicitly call on Pristina to withdraw its decision on tariffs on December 17, during a meeting of the Standing Committee on Kosovo’s accession, the Beta news agency reported.

Rasim Ljajic told the Belgrade-based Pink television that “there were enough of appeals. Only the EU has mechanisms not just to pressure Pristina but to threaten it with the suspension of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and other documents.”