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Government "ready to provide legal guarantees" (Tanjug/B92)

BELGRADE -- Serbia is ready to provide all legal guarantees for the defense of Oliver Ivanović, Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Director Marko Đurić has told Tanjug.
"Our position on the inadmissibility and the harmfulness of the six months of baseless custody for Ivanović without charge is known, and on the fact that previous guarantees of the government of the Republic of Serbia were ignored," Đurić said.


Two cars set on fire in Kosovska Mitrovica (Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Two passenger cars burned down in northern Kosovska Mitrovica early Tuesday in what was most likely an intentional fire, Tanjug learned from the Kosovo police.

Regional police chief Zeljko Bojic told Tanjug that two vehicles, a Chrysler and a Mercedes S500, burned down at 4.55 a.m. in a fire in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica.

Bojic identified the owner of the vehicles as J.I., who he said is a resident of Kosovska Mitrovica, and added that the police arrived on the scene to investigate the incident.


Drecun: Pristina should form its gov’t as soon as possible (Tanjug)

Chairman of the Serbian parliament’s Committee for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Milovan Drecun said Sunday that it was necessary for the executive government in Pristina to be set up as soon as possible as it was vital for the creation of the community of Serb municipalities (ZSO) and continuation of the Brussels process.

Drecun: Pristina slows down the implementation of the agreement (Tanjug)

The Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun said that there are many questions that need to be open in the area of normalization of relations, but it is obvious that the intention of Pristina is to slow down the process, particularly when it comes to the Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO). "The key question is when the executive power in Pristina will be formed. Until that happens, we will not have collocutor to discuss the issue," said Drecun for TV Pink.

Progressive Club warns of decline in Serbs' rights in the region (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - In previous six years, a decline in the political rights of the Serb people in the region has been noted, and this trend has been particularly marked in the last two years, reads a regular report by the Progressive Club.

“This is a consequence of the economic crisis, but also the political circumstances in Serbia and problems facing the Serbian society,” President of the Progressive Club Cedomir Antic said when presenting the report.


National commission for UNESCO to be set by fall (Tanjug, RTS)

Serbia’s former ambassador to Turkey and the Vatican Darko Tanaskovic, who has been put forward as Serbia’s ambassador to UNESCO, said Monday that Serbia will set up a national commission for UNESCO.

Due to its relatively unfavorable international position over the past decade, Serbia has not been able act timely and in the right way to protect its cultural and spiritual heritage in the province of Kosovo-Metohija and in neighboring states, Tanaskovic said on a talk show broadcast by the state-run RTS.

Ker-Lindsay: Report openly on ethnic cleansing (Tanjug)

Williamson’s report openly speaks about ethnic cleansing and absolutely confirms that there is evidence that senior members of the Kosovo Liberation Army organized planned attacks on Serbs and other minorities, said British analyst James Ker-Lindsay. "In many ways the report is stronger than expected. It clearly shows that there is evidence that senior members of the KLA organized planned attacks on Serbs, Roma and other minorities, as well as the Albanians, after the conflict in June 1999," said Ker-Lindsay.