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Djuric: Issue of invasion of Serb property to be resolved (Tanjug,Vesti)

FRANKFURT - Activities of Kosovo's privatization agency undermine the foundations upon which the Serb community in the province is built, Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said Friday.

For that reason, one of the priorities is to resolve the matter of privatization agency's actions which judicial bodies in the province have characterized as criminal, Djuric said in an interview to the Serbian-language daily Vesti, published in Frankfurt.

America forgives Yellow House (Vesti online)

According to the writings of Pristina based media, a Special investigation team headed by U.S. prosecutor Clint Williamson found no evidence on trafficking in organs in Kosovo during the war in 1999. As stated, the report should be released in two months and will discard accusations from the report of Council of Europe Special Rapporteur, Dick Marty on trafficking in human organs of kidnapped Serbs and other non-Albanians. 

Oliver Ivanovic with his family on St.Vitus day? (Vesti)

Director of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric visited on Wednesday the leader of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanovic, who is in custody in Mitrovica.

Indictment against Ivanovic has not been raised, who is in custody from January 27th, on suspicion of having participated in crimes against Albanians in 1999 and 2000. His family expects him to be released from custody on the eve of St. Vitus day.


"Thaci’s Serbs became Vucic’s" (Vesti)

It is a false thesis that it will be better for Serbs if Hashim Thaci or Ramush Hardinaj is prime minister, because the problem is a fundamental and systemic. Both of them are for the realization of an independent state and a controlled number of Serbs that would stay in Kosovo, or just enough of them so their international mentors can show that it is a multi-ethnic society," said Momcilo Trajkovic, leader of the Serbian Resistance Movement (SPOT) in an interview with Vesti.

So it does not matter who will be the Prime Minister of Kosovo?

Eighty four IDPs homeless (Vesti)

The day after the elections in Kosovo officials of Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK) entered the factory Lola in Strpce/Shterpce, took over documents, keys and seals, set their security, banned the workers and the management of Serbian nationality the access to factory premises, and the announcement came that a similar fate may befall and the hotel Junior in Brezovica where for 15 years are living internally displaced Serbs from Urosevac/Ferizaj, Prizren, Stimlje and Kačanik.


The Kosovo government impossible without the Serbs (Vesti)

Regardless of whether they will remain the ten guaranteed seats in the Kosovo parliament, after the counting of conditional votes (final official figures Kosovo CEC will announce on July 10th), the Serbian community in Kosovo will certainly have ministerial and deputy minister positions whoever forms the Kosovo government. These positions are guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo, namely Article 96, which refers to the ministries and community representation, which is practically copied provision from the Ahtisaari Plan.

Serbs in northern Kosovo will vote (Vesti)

Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq Dragan Jablanović confirmed on Wednesday that the northern Kosovo Serbs will participate in elections for the Kosovo Assembly, on Sunday, June 8th.

Dragan Jablanović refused to answer why the mayors of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo changed their decision on participation in Sunday's elections.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric talked to them yesterday. 

Serbian drama before the elections in Kosovo (Vesti)

Dragan Jablanović Mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq says, unless Pristina gives in the Serbs will surely boycott the elections.

- All was deliberately calculated in order to stay at 10 guaranteed seats and to have no influence on the adoption of key legislations for minorities. It is the classical discrimination - says Jablanovic, the mayor of Leposavic/Leposaviq and a member of the management team for the implementation of the Brussels Treaty and one of the main negotiators with the authorities in Pristina.