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UNS and DNKiM: Support to research of journalist Jelena Petkovic (Vesti)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the Society of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija (DNKiM) support research of Jelena Petkovic, a journalist of Vesti media web site from Frankfurt. The journalist for three months analysed the official Serbian translation of the Constitution of Kosovo and the laws, enacted by the Kosovo authorities, and publicly pointed to failures and drastic violation of the right to equal use of Serbian language in Kosovo and Metohija.


New escalation possible in Sandzak (Vesti)

Serbian analyst Dušan Janjić reflected on the last week walk of Bosniacs through Novi Pazar suburb Hadzet in green uniforms, and said that it is about an introductory in the new escalation of situation in Sandzak.

He explained that everyone that used to ‘work in Sandzak is aware that citizens are afraid of the escalation of clashes amongst various confronted political parties of Bosniacs,” while Serbian government in the same time doesn’t recognize the problems minorities are faced with and which exist in reality.


KFOR and EULEX should do their job (Vesti online)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that the invasion of Albanian timber thieves across the administrative border with Serbia and murder of Serbian member of Gendarmerie prove that KFOR and EULEX are not doing their job.

"We requested an urgent meeting, and I expect a response about the time of the meeting. The only thing we request from KFOR and EULEX is to fulfil their obligations under Kumanovo agreement and UN Resolution 1244, and that is to do their part of duties, in their part of the Ground safety zone," said Stefanovic.

The Serbian list always support majority (Vesti online)

Interview: Slobodan Petrovic, President of Independent Lyberal Party (SLS) 

What, for the Serbian List, means the decision of the Constitutional Court?

Even before the decision, all parties in Kosovo have declared that they will respect it. We strive to be part of the solution, and not a problem.

When do you expect the next session of parliament and how will you vote? 

EULEX is embittering the lives of Serbs (Vesti online)

“The way in which the EULEX is functioning and the way in which it behaves towards the Serbs is totally incomprehensible and unacceptable. It is far away from the law and justice and looks more like a market,” said Dragan Jablanović, Mayor of Leposavic and member of the management team for the implementation of the Brussels Agreement. He stresses that EULEX is currently untouchable and when it comes to the Serbs in the north, can do whatever, and arrest whomever it wants.

All masks fell: Recognize Kosovo! (Vesti online)

Further European integration of Serbia is impossible until Belgrade and Pristina reach agreement, indicated Serbian experts on international issues. Analyst Dusan Janjic says that Serbia will have to resolve the issues that Germany insists on, including the fulfilment of the Brussels agreement, and adoption of a second framework agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Jevtic: I will insist on solving the case of Jokic family (Vesti online)

Dalibor Jevtic, Minister for Communities and Return in Kosovo Government says that he is not familiar with the case of Jokic family, from Vitina/Viti municipality, but added that he will insist on solving the case. He pointed out that solving the issue of usurped property is not within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communities and Returns, but " every time Ministry get a request related to the same or similar problems, we send a letter to the relevant authorities and institutions in the form of notice, with the request for solving such problems in the shortest possible time."

Vulovic: This way they are trying to discredit us (Vesti)

By order of the EULEX prosecutor, Kosovo police last Tuesday attempted to serve summons for questioning to the mayor of Zubin Potok Stevan Vulovic and former president of the municipality Slavisa Ristic. Apparently, Vulovic is charged with organizing the escape of Slobodan Sovrlic from the police station in the village, and Ristic, as speculated, was called in for questioning due to several things, among others, for his involvement in organizing the barricades.


Serbs between Tachi and Haradinaj (Vesti)

Kosovo’s parliament should be constituted today, and scandals due to heated situation between Tachi’s party and Haradinaj’s, in no way will influence Serbian community. Beside assurances given by Haradinaj’s party to the international representatives that Serbs are with them, elected Serbian representatives repeat that they will support the option that secures the majority for forming the government.

Ten Serbian representatives still did not agree even who to propose for the post of member of the Presidency of the Assembly, or the head of the parliamentary group.