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Pristina intends to halve the budget for returnees (Vesti)

A budget proposal was passed after a heated debate at the meeting of the Government of Kosovo on Friday, 25 million euros are reserved for municipalities in northern Kosovo (20 million for capital investment, and five for operative costs).

Three million euros are reserved from the budget for returnees and those who have recently returned to Kosovo and are in need for help.

“Air Serbia” flies to Pristina (Vesti online)

“Air Serbia is planning to open two new lines to Pristina and Zagreb, said the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Siniša Mali. “Our goal is to have two flights daily to all major cities in the region. Before we reach that, we need to connect Belgrade with two other towns, Zagreb and Pristina,” said Mali.

The last regular flight between Zagreb and Belgrade was 23 years ago, while the last JAT aircraft transported passengers to Pristina, 15 years ago. Croatian airline company Air Croatia also intends to connect the capital of Serbia and Croatia early next year.


Political structures in Balkans funding radical Islamists (Vesti)

The expert analysts for military and political affairs Aleksandar Radić claims that political structures in Balkans, particularly in B&H, Kosovo and in Raška region (Serbia proper) are flirting with extreme Islamic groups, and in most of cases they are the main funders and aiders of radical Islamists.

“There are hot spots in Balkans ever since 1992 and the war in B&H, which are frozen and only one trigger would be sufficient to revive them again,” Radić said to ‘Pres Republika Srpska’.


UN: Serbia regional leader in peacekeeping operations (Vesti online)

During the meeting with Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic, Head of the UN office in Belgrade, Peter Due, said that Serbia has become the regional leader in the active participation of the military in peacekeeping operations.

In the statement of the Ministry of Defence was said that the Minister Gašić and Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, spoke about the participation of the Serbian Army in multinational operations and the forthcoming regional meeting of countries whose forces are already in UN operations.

Prison for Thaci, Haradinaj, Limaj, Krasnici (Vesti online)

Indictments for the Albanian leaders, which are already certain, and attempts to erase their criminal past are blocking the Kosovo institutions. Hashim Thaci is trying to stay in office, in order to prevent an indictment for trafficking in human organs, which, according to the Court sources, a special prosecutor Clint Williamson has already prepared.

Serbs decide who will be PM (Vesti online)

America and key European countries do not want that radical movement, led by Albin Kurti, is a member of the new ruling coalition in Kosovo, said diplomatic sources. They explain that the "West is angry," with the candidate of the united opposition for the PM, Haradinaj, because he made an agreement with the Self-determination and even agreed that Kurti will be negotiator in dialogue with Belgrade.  

Jihadists in Kosovo (Vesti)

Dalibor Jevtic, Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government thinks that the emergence of radical Islamism is danger to all who do not support such an idea, especially for the people of other faiths.

On the question of whether the Orthodox Serbs could be potential victims of attack by radical Islamists, he says he has not received information that speaks in favour of it.

- But that does not mean that such a threat does not exist and therefore the competent must do everything to prevent such thing to happen.

Vulin: Ristic is a free citizen, he can move wherever he wants (Vesti)

Minister for Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin has confirmed that he met with former Mayor of Zubin Potok, Slavisa Ristic, who is charged with the murder of Kosovo policeman.

Vulin, commenting Ristic’s statements that they’ve met and that Vulin told him not to go to Kosovo for some time, confirmed that he had friendly meeting with Ristic where he said to him that he believes that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.