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Kosovo law "deleted" raped Serbian women (Vesti)

With the amendment to the Kosovo law on the status and rights of veterans and war victims, the victims of sexual violence have received some kind of justice. However, the law itself, and the strategy that accompanies it (which should soon enter in parliamentary procedure) recognizes the status of the victim only from 27 February 1998 to 20 June 1999, which Serbian organizations see as discrimination and flagrant violations of human rights of minority communities in Kosovo, especially Serbian.


The battle for Suvi Do (Vesti)

The agreement in Brussels envisage for the northern and southern Mitrovica to solve all their problems until 10 October, and most of them are in multi-ethnic villages of Suvi Do and Brđani, where it is difficult to draw the municipal boundary. As far as for Brdjani settlement, there should not be a problem, because it is clear to everyone that this settlement is in the municipalities of northern Mitrovica and Zvecan/Zveqan.

An Albanian will reveal where is the mass grave of Serbs? (Vesti)

The witness whose testimony could be valuable in solving war crimes from the 90s lives in Djakovica / Gjakove. He decided to entrust the secret to his former Serbian neighbors because he is very old and wants to tell the truth.  The witness is willing to cooperate, but insisted on anonymity. He also refused to have contact with Kosovo authorities, because he fears for the safety of his family.

Trigazis: Greece will not recognize Kosovo (Vesti, Kurir)

Coordinator of the Department for International Cooperation of Syriza Panos Trigazis said that Greece maintains its position that Kosovo's independence should not be recognized in full.

"At this moment I cannot talk on behalf of the government, but only in the name of Syriza. However, I can confirm that Greece and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras continue to hold the attitude of previous governments that Kosovo's independence should not be recognized fully," said Trigazis for Kurir.

"Not easy to collect evidence of war crimes in Kosovo" (Vesti)

"Experience has shown that in Kosovo is not easy to collect evidence based on the testimonies due to insufficient protection of witnesses," considered an Austrian law professor Joseph Marko.

He warns that when prominent politicians are under the suspicion, it was always difficult to find evidence and witnesses willing to accuse them.

German MP: No difference between Kosovo and Crimea (Vesti)

German parliament MP Alexander Neu stated that he doesn’t see any difference between the issue of self-declared Kosovo and Crimea.

“In both cases the West has downgraded the UN Charter articles on territorial integrity, what led to creation of precedents”.

He pointed out that unification of Crimea with Russia can be deemed as violation of the UN Charter only if events from nineties of the last century in former Yugoslavia are ignored.


The new political game: UNMIK – Pristina’s postman in UNESCO (Vesti online)

If it turns out that UNMIK on behalf of Kosovo applied for membership in UNESCO, it opens up a new political game, where the UN organization in a direct way interfered with the relationship between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo, positioning itself on the side of Kosovo Albanians.

Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO Darko Tanasković said that Pristina's request for membership in UNESCO was sent through UNMIK, by which this international mission in Kosovo violated its competencies.

Whether UNMIK really stepped out from its mandate and what are the consequences?

Fear from Jihadists in Mitrovica North (Vesti)

Many Serbs in northern Kosovo sent their children to the schools in central Serbia, because they are afraid that jihadists will attack Mitrovica North.  “Wahhabis have a strong foothold in the Bosnjacka Mahala for years, which is just a step away from our houses. They are often sending us messages, through intermediaries or phone, to move out, threatening that “it will be blood to the knees.” Threats are not harmless. Those are people who fought on the side of the KLA and who are now under the command of the Islamic state.