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Ban Ki-moon will act in accordance with Resolution 1244 (Danas)

Serbian Ambassador to UNESCO, Darko Tanaskovic

Pristina expects admission to UNESCO, referring to the number of member states that have recognized the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo, the fact that it has already entered into many financial, cultural and international organizations, as well as the legally non-binding opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Declaration of Independence. Are these arguments sufficient versus current UN SC Resolution 1244?

Hiding details about candidacy for UNESCO (Danas)

The Presidency of Kosovo did not respond to the question sent by the journalist of this newspaper on whether the request for the membership in UNESCO was signed by President Jahjaga.

Kosovo FM Thaci also avoided answering to this question, raised by some MPs, at yesterday’s session in the Kosovo Parliament. Thaci briefly told MPs that the candidacy was "made in accordance with the laws and the Constitution of Kosovo." He also avoided saying whether the application for the UNESCO was submitted by UNMIK.

"No results without Haradinaj" (Danas)

Yesterday in Pristina, the main topics were “securing” of parliamentary majority for the adoption of constitutional amendments related to the establishment of the Special Court and details of Kosovo's candidacy to UNESCO. In both cases, everything revolved around the head of the Kosovo diplomacy and PDK leader Hashim Thaci, who promised the West that supposedly next week, he will ensure votes of the constitutional amendments necessary for the Special Court. Kosovo Assembly postponed summer vacation, and speculations from Pristina are that Thaci is missing a few votes.

The risk of long-term emigration of Serbs (Danas)

Nenad Rasic, a deputy in the Assembly of Kosovo

At the time it was signed, the Brussels agreement was really a kind of turning point and the first historic step towards reconciliation between Belgrade and Pristina – and from the wider perspective Serbian and Albanian people. But its economic consequences caused fears that it will affect position of Serbs in Kosovo, and consequently initiate emigration of Serbs, due to the economic and security reason, said Nenad Rasic, President of the Progressive Democratic Party and MP in the Kosovo Parliament.

International law, politics and panic (Danas)

Whether Kosovo will become a member of UNESCO depends on the member states of this organization. Instead of panic, Serbia should welcome entering Kosovo in UNESCO, as another mechanism for the protection of heritage of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo, said Kosovo Deputy FM Petrit Selimi, commenting the letter which Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia sent to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon.

Stokvis: Netherland will not be against Kosovo's admission to UNESCO (Danas)  

The outgoing Dutch Ambassador in Serbia Laurent Stokvis said in an interview for Danas that he expect opening of the first chapter in the negotiations with the EU during this year. Stokvis has indicated that, from a technical point of view "an action plan for Chapter 23 on the rule of law has not been adopted ". From the political aspect, he noted that Belgrade and Pristina need to reach an agreement on issues that are now on the negotiating table.


Belgrade: Everyone will be settled (Danas)

Based on the agreement reached in Brussels, Kosovo government yesterday adopted decision on ‘dissolution of the so called civil protection in municipalities in northern Kosovo and their integration into Kosovo institutions’.  This decision follows the commitments of the Kosovo government deriving from the Brussels dialogue with Serbia and serves as a legal basis for integration of 483 individuals into legitimate Kosovo institutions, reads the statement published on the web page of the Kosovo government.


Jevtic: We are not trading with the votes (Danas)

Minister of Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic denied speculations that MPs of the Serbian List gave “the offer” in order to vote support for the announced establishment of the Kosovo Army. “The Serbian List insists on the fulfilment of the coalition agreement with PDK and LDK, but there is not a word about ‘trading with the Serbian votes for the establishment of the Kosovo Armed Forces.’ No one from the government or the assembly discussed with us, Serbian MPs, the issue of Kosovo Army. That issue requires broader dialogue.