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Greece will not recognize Kosovo (Danas, Vecernje Novosti)

Statements of the Greece Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias given to Pristina-based media are clear. Greece will not recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, Greece Ambassador to Serbia Konstantinos Ikonomidis said to Belgrade-based daily Dans, when answering on question whether the statement given by the Greece Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias that Athens will support Kosovo membership in international organization means a step forward in recognizing Kosovo.

Ikonomidis stressed that ‘Greece position on this issue remains unchanged”.


Implementation of the package of conditions opens the EU accession charters  (Danas)

Bodo Weber, a senior associate at the Democratization Policy Council in Berlin

Chancellor Angela Merkel will come to Belgrade with a clear message that an agreement must be reached so that Germany can give the green light for the opening of the first negotiating chapters. It's an old, but well-known list of obligations, says in an interview Bodo Weber, a senior associate at the Democratization Policy Council in Berlin.

Dialogue to continue for ten days (Danas)

The Community/Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) should have its coat of arms, parliament, president and the council of 30 members.

Belgrade-Pristina dialogue could be continued for ten days. Until then there will be consultation with both sides, and if judged that the agreements on the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities and telecommunications could be signed, there will be a new meeting between the two Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa, learned Danas from sources close to the negotiating teams.

Failure of Brussels negotiations (Danas)

Following the last round of marathon negotiations with the representatives of the EU and Pristina Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić stated that agreement was not reached over any topic they discussed. Kosovo Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, stated that progress was achieved when it comes to the Association/Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM), and that his delegation could not accept requests on executive powers of the A/CSM, since it would go against the Kosovo Constitution and laws.

Merkel a factor on the way to an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina (Danas)

According to earlier announcements, the two prime ministers, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa, with the mediation of the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, yesterday in Brussels have continued discussions on energy, telecommunications, Community/Association of Serbian municipalities, and "Peace Park" in the northern Mitrovica. A spokeswoman for EU High Representative, Maja Kocijancic told B92 that "the prime ministers of Serbia and Kosovo at the previous meeting made good progress, and now in progress is work on finalizing the deal."

"Agreements reached, all that's missing are signatures" (Danas, B92)

Prime ministers of Kosovo and Serbia Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vucic will probably reach agreement on Monday on all issues and sign the "Brussels 2" agreement.

This is according to the Belgrade-based daily Danas.

Pristina-based website meanwhile cited sources close to the meeting in Brussels, who said that Mustafa and Vucic have agreed on all the issues.

The National Front for the termination of Serbia’s accession talks (Danas)

The deputies of the French National Front led by Marine Le Pen, through its newly formed parliamentary group in the European Parliament, submitted a draft resolution on the suspension of negotiations on Serbia's membership in the EU, learned Danas in Brussels. They pointed out that reason for this resolution is their worry that Serbia "will face the same destiny as France." The signatories of this document are MPs Steeve Briois, Dominique Bilde, Sophie Montel, Mireille D'Ornano, Aymeric Chauprade.

EU seeks signatures of Belgrade and Pristina (Danas)

During the past week, representatives of Belgrade and Pristina discussed the telecommunications, energy, Community /Association of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) and "Peace Park", at the technical level. According to unofficial information, after last week's negotiations, the closest to the signing are the agreements on vehicle insurance and telecommunications, although there is the possibility for “new moments”. Sources close to the negotiators expect that also some kind of agreement on energy could be reached, although the most contentious issue - the property- remains opened.


Goran Rakic does not want to be in the delegation of Pristina (Danas, TV Most)

Mayor of the northern part of Mitrovica, Goran Rakic does not want to travel to Brussels as a member of Pristina's delegation, in order to agree with the mayor of the southern Mitrovica, Agim Bahtiri about the opening of the bridge over the Ibar/Iber River and asked "why should we discuss in Brussels when we are here in a hundred meters away from each other."

The opening of the bridge and removal of the Peace Park is one of the topics on which the consent should be achieved by the Serbian and Kosovo delegations at the technical level until 23 June.