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Besides Kosovo, Germans bring to the table and relations with Russia (Danas)

Andreas Schokenhoff, Hans Joachim Falenski and Johan Vadephul, Bundestag MPs from the ranks of the ruling Christian-Democratic Union (CDU) will pay a two-day visit to Belgrade, learned Danas daily in the diplomatic circles in Berlin.

According to paper’s source, main topics on the two-day visit agenda of German MPs with Serbian officials will be the ones that has to do with ‘continuation of Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and internal reforms, particularly in the area of rule of law’, along with Serbia’s relation toward Russia and the gas pipeline South Stream.


Contribution to strengthening of cooperation (Danas)

Belgrade - The participation of Kosovo in the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) aims the strengthening of regional cooperation, said to Danas associates of Deputy Prime Minister Kori Udovički, commenting on her participation in the SEECP meeting in Bucharest, when the decision was made on equal treatment of Kosovo in this regional initiative.

Belgrade insider in Pristina (Danas)

Belgrade, Pristina - Serb decision to participate in the central government in Kosovo is a constructive move, given that due to the "encouragement" and "blessing" they’ve got from Belgrade will be able to strongly represent their interests, assessed for Danas political experts.

In their view, such an arrangement of representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic allows Belgrade to influence decision-making processes in Pristina, or to become an "insider".

Concerns about the privatization process in Kosovo (Danas)

Interview: Samuel Zbogar, Special Representative and Head of the EU Office in Kosovo

“The European Union closely monitored parliamentary elections through its observers and we can express our satisfaction with their regularity. We monitor closely current election debate, but it is clear that they are entirely internal matter of Kosovo, as long they are based on the laws and procedures. Therefore we cannot comment them, stated Zbogar. 

Removed containers at the main bridge in Mitrovica (Danas)

Belgrade - Multiple sources in the northern part of Mitrovica confirmed to our newspapers that several containers were removed in the city that were placed in front of the barricade on the Serbian side of the main Ibar/Iber River Bridge.

It was not possible to get an official response from the Municipal authorities in North Mitrovica, whether and the barricade will be removed, which protects the Serbian part of the city since 2011. Since the introduction of UN protectorate in Kosovo in June 1999, Mitrovica city is divided into northern Serbian part and southern Albanian.

Thaci and Haradinaj together? (Danas)

Post-election coalition combinations in Kosovo

Pristina, Belgrade - Regardless of the media post-election coalition combinations among the Kosovo Albanian parties, diplomatic sources in Pristina, by the knowledge of Danas, speculate that the new ruling coalition in Kosovo should form the Democratic Party of Kosovo of Hashim Thaci, the Democratic League of Kosovo of Isa Mustafa and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj.

Merkel now insists on internal reforms in Serbia (Danas)

Bernd Hiteman: Belgrade has gained in importance during the Ukrainian crisis

Bodo Weber: Germany waiting Vucic to fulfil promises

Berlin, Belgrade - Today's visit of Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic to Berlin is very important, given the fact that it comes at the invitation of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first time since he took the office, assessed for Danas experts for the Western Balkans in Berlin.

Serbs below the threshold (Danas)

According to preliminary results from the processed 2,352, out of 2,374 polling stations in Kosovo, the Democratic Party of Kosovo won Kosovo early parliamentary elections with 30.69 percent of the vote. Threshold was crossed by the Democratic League of Kosovo, the Self-Determination Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo and the Initiative for Kosovo. Pacolli's Alliance for Kosovo with 4.65 percent remained below the threshold as well as the Serbian list with 4.21 percent of the vote.