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Demonstration of freedom of movement (Danas)

In the middle of the week, head of the Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric was in Pristina, where he met with Serbian liaison officer Dejan Pavicevic, walked around the town, had lunch in the centre, visited the local church Sv. Nikola and visited Gracanica.

Djuric later explained that "his task is to show that this is something normal and that it should be an integral part of the normalization of relations." 

Belgrade does not implement the German policy in Kosovo (Danas)

“It is required to create the political basis for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) by adopting the statute, which is only possible through political agreements and negotiations with the political force that will be the backbone of the future government in Pristina. I expect that participation of now legitimately elected representatives of the Serbian people in provincial institutions will contribute to direct talks between us and Kosovo Albanians about the things that were already discussed in Brussels.

Troubles with Thaci, all rely on Serbs (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade - Political analysts from Belgrade and Pristina, Dusan Janjic and Fatmir Sheholi agree that the report of the Head of a special team to investigate allegations of human organ trafficking Clint Williamson, although did not announce the names of the responsible, is going to speed up the solution of post-election political crisis in Pristina and the formation of new Kosovo government.

EULEX: No secret indictments (Danas)

Pristina, Belgrade – EULEX Head of Information Service Miguel Carvalho de Faria categorically stated to Danas that "in Kosovo do not exist no secret lists and charges for the arrest," and that "the press persistently publishes rumours and speculations that are completely baseless."

"Throughout Kosovo are conducted legally authorized investigations, which included people of all ethnicities. In Kosovo law there is no provision of sealed indictments. When filed, the charge shall be communicated to the defendant and his lawyers in accordance with legal procedures," says De Faria.


The Court for KLA crimes in the Netherlands (Danas)

“I expect that based on the testimony of over 400 witnesses Clint Williamson collected enough information about the kidnappings, killings, and trafficking in organs, i.e., crimes committed since 1998 till 2000 against the Serbian and other non-Albanian victims,” says Serbian War Crimes prosecutor, Vladimir Vukcevic. He added that Williamson’s special team investigated trafficking in organs in nine countries in the region, but also in Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

DSS claims that SNS violated the promise (Danas)

Many people believe that victory of Tomislav Nikolic, the candidate of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), in the second round of the presidential elections which were held in 2012, was due to the support of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS). However, the agreement signed by then the leaders of the two parties is binding only for DSS.

As top SNS officials claim, Progressives are interested in reforms and the entry of Serbia into the EU, which implies a change in the Constitution.

Nothing out of the charges against Thaci (Danas)

U.S. Prosecutor Clint Williamson failed to prove trafficking in human organs in Kosovo during the 1999 conflict, according to diplomatic sources in Brussels.

Brussels, Belgrade - No evidence of trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, organized crime, or on command responsibility of the central headquarters of the former Kosovo Liberation Army, according to the report of the Chief Prosecutor of the Special Investigation Team Clint Williamson on organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo in 1999, Danas learned from diplomatic sources in Brussels.