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Government guarantees are valid throughout the entire process (Danas)

Pristina, Mitrovica, Belgrade - Guarantees for detained Serbs from northern Kosovo, submitted by the Government of Serbia on February 10 to EULEX, all international bodies in Kosovo, as well as ambassadors of Quint countries in Belgrade, are valid during the whole procedure. We'll be seeking of EULEX, which is responsible for the respect of human rights and international standards, to accept guarantees during the procedure - the Office of the Government of Serbia for Kosovo and Metohija told Danas.

Ongoing struggle for the souls of Balkan Muslims (Danas)

Raising numbers of Kosovo Albanians who are joining Jihad is, for sure, a worrying symptom of radicalization in Balkans, particularly on the territory of former Yugoslavia, along with the foreign influence, which was crucially affected by continuous disruption of the social, political, spiritual and moral values, inspired by shakes and clashes following Yugoslavia’s disintegration.


‘Scenario’ with two designate prime ministers (Danas)

New Kosovo government should be formed until the beginning of October the latest. Besides the post-election coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), movement ‘Self-Determination’, the Seriban List and representatives of all minorities should enter too. Self-Determination could be replaced with Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK) under the strong pressure of international community – said political analyst Fatmir Sheholli to daily Danas.


Obrad Kesic: Belgrade has never used all the advantages in talks about Kosovo (Danas)

As with many other issues in relation with the EU and America, the key is that government in Belgrade is determined to persist under heavy pressures from Brussels and Washington, in implementing its policy. If the Serbian government makes it clear that any pressure would be counterproductive and possibly cause consequences to the interests of the EU, especially on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia could defend the current position - said in an interview Obrad Kesic, head of Office of Republika Srpska in USA, and former political analyst.

Diplomacy with “tied hands” (Danas)

The statement of the prosecutor of the EU Special Investigation Team, Clint Williamson, on the findings of an investigation into the trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, although with the status “temporary announced until a special court for the crimes of the KLA will be established”, provides space for diplomatic and political action of official Belgrade in the fight for Kosovo, believe our diplomatic sources.